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IDF Military Intelligence Views Iran, the Palestinians, and Egypt2022-May-23
A West Bank Hot Spot Reemerges 2022-May-19
Israeli Prime Minister: Veteran Counterterrorism Officer Noam Raz Was a Hero of Israel2022-May-16
62 Senators, including 16 Democrats, Vote to Oppose Removal of IRGC from Terror List2022-May-09
Israeli Prime Minister Calls for "Civilian National Guard" to Fight Palestinian Terror2022-May-09
Israel's Rise to Regional Prominence2022-May-09
Foil the Financiers of Iran's Terrorism2022-May-04
A New Approach to Quelling the Violence2022-April-28
Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel: Illegal, But Still Active and Branching Out 2022-April-28
There Is No Symmetry of Violence between Israelis and Palestinians 2022-April-21
Is Israel Facing a New Intifada?2022-April-21
Jenin Isn't Gaza2022-April-21
Palestinian Terrorists Want to Eradicate the Jews2022-April-14
Why Palestinians Celebrate the Murder of Jews2022-April-14
Sanctifying the Murder of Innocents, the Palestinians Fall Farther Behind2022-April-14
Removing Sanctions on Iran's Revolutionary Guards Is Pure Strategic Folly 2022-April-11
Palestinian Terror Is Not "Senseless"2022-April-11
Palestinian Violence Against Jews Is Nothing New 2022-April-07
House Democrats Sound Alarm on Potential Iran Nuclear Deal2022-April-07
Three Islamic Jihad Gunmen Killed En Route to Attack in Israel2022-April-04
Is the West Saving the Ayatollahs?2022-April-04
Negev Summit Displays the New Architecture of the Middle East 2022-March-31
The U.S. Can't Just Quit the Middle East2022-March-31
In the New Geopolitics Emerging in the Middle East, America Is No Longer Dominant even among Its Allies 2022-March-31
The Palestinians and the Crisis in Ukraine2022-March-28
Dropping IRGC from Blacklist Would Be Boon for Terrorism 2022-March-24
Crying Racism while Denying Reality2022-March-24
Netanyahu: Iran Could "Take the Entire World Hostage" after New Nuke Deal2022-March-21
U.S. Ambassador to Israel Is Out of Touch with Reality2022-March-21
Lifting Human Rights Sanctions on Iran Would Be a Mistake 2022-March-17
Dozen House Democrats Say: "Hard to Envision Supporting" New Iran Deal 2022-March-14
The Limits of a New Iran Nuclear Deal 2022-March-10
Biden's Coming Iran Deal Will Be Even Worse than the 2015 Deal2022-March-10
Trends in Iranian External Assassination, Surveillance, and Abduction Plots 2022-February-28
Israel's New Strategy in a Post-American Middle East2022-February-24
Israel: A New Iran Agreement Will Buy 2 1/2 Years at a Price of Tens of Billions2022-February-21
UK Protestors Who Chant Hamas Slogan "From the River to the Sea" Could Be Reported to Police2022-February-10
Amnesty International's Moral Turpitude2022-February-07
54 Palestinian Terror Attacks in Israel in 20212022-February-03
We Cannot Allow Iran to Continue Building Its Nuclear Capacity2022-February-03
The Campaign to Weaken Iran Has Begun 2022-February-03
Israeli Cyber Tech CEO Rejects Criticism of Pegasus Spyware Program2022-January-31
The Ingratitude of the Palestinians: Let the Foolish Fend for Themselves2022-January-31
U.S. Muslim Group Accuses Jewish Charities of Funding Islamophobia2022-January-24
Emirati Official: We Accept Israel as Part of the Region2022-January-24
Arguing with the U.S. over House Demolitions 2022-January-20
Aafia Siddiqui and the Misguided Support for Women of Jihad2022-January-20
Until the Palestinian Authority Stops Inciting Violence, Engagement for Peace Is Hopeless2022-January-13
Obsessed with Israeli Settlements, Americans and Europeans Turn a Blind Eye to Palestinian Violence2022-January-13
PA President Accuses Israel of "Organized Terrorism and Ethnic Cleansing"2022-January-03

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