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Israel's "Security-Oriented" Character Was an Advantage Against the Coronavirus 2020-April-27
U.S.: Iran's Space Program Is Dangerous, Not Peaceful2020-April-27
New U.S. Law Allows Terror Victims to Sue PA 2020-April-24
Washington Post Omits Facts in Gaza Op-Ed 2020-April-24
Opposing an IMF Loan to Iran2020-April-20
PA and Hamas "Coronawash" Their Own Corruption 2020-April-17
Israel: Sanctions on Iran Must Not Be Lifted for Coronavirus2020-April-02
The Coronavirus Is Absolutely No Excuse to Lift Sanctions on Iran 2020-April-01
Lifting U.S. Sanctions Against Iran's Regime Won't Stop the Terrorism or Oppression2020-April-01
"Coronavirus Ceasefire" between Israel, Hamas and Hizbullah Won't Last2020-March-26
Arab Israelis Are Pulling Away, Not Integrating in Israeli Society2020-March-25
Iranian National Admits to Planning Terror Attacks in Germany2020-March-23
Saudi Deradicalization Faces the Future 2020-March-20
Hizbullah Commander Prosecuted in Austria for Terror Finance 2020-March-16
How Hamas Views Prospects of an Arrangement with Israel2020-March-13
The Iran Deal Funded Iran's Aggression 2020-March-09
Israel Attends Anti-Terrorism Conference in Morocco2020-March-06
"Never Again" Means Standing Up for Israel2020-March-04
U.S. Adds Leader of Iran-Backed Iraqi Militia to Terrorism Blacklist2020-February-28
The Ultimate Stress Test: Lessons from the Israeli Counter-Terror Team 2020-February-28
U.S. Blacklists Lebanese Companies with Ties to Hizbullah 2020-February-27
World Antiterrorism Monitor Calls on Member States to Sanction Iran2020-February-24
International Watchdog to Review Iran's Status on Anti-Terror, Money Laundering Laws2020-February-18
A Plan for Israel's Security2020-February-18
Debunk the UNHRC "Blacklist"2020-February-17
American Jewish Leaders Visit Saudi Arabia 2020-February-14
UNHRC's Game Is Rigged, So Israel Isn't Playing2020-February-14
NGOs Call to End Use of Palestinian Child Soldiers2020-February-14
White Supremacist Pleads Guilty to Las Vegas Synagogue, ADL Office Bomb Plot2020-February-12
Egypt's Population Hits 100 Million 2020-February-12
In Sudan, More Support for Normalizing Ties with Israel2020-February-11
Give Peace (Plan) a Chance 2020-February-07
Where Is the Palestinian Vision of Peace?2020-February-06
Israel, Sudan Set Up Normalization Teams2020-February-05
U.S. Peace Plan Requires PA to Halt Payments to Terrorists2020-February-05
Israel's Security in a Redrawn Middle East2020-February-03
U.S. Peace Plan Requires Palestinians to Prove Their Commitment to Peace2020-February-03
Palestinians Are the Only Stateless People Who Turned Down Repeated Offers of Statehood2020-January-31
Don't the Palestinians Regret Not Taking Previous Statehood Offers? 2020-January-30
A Pathway for a Palestinian State2020-January-29
Successor to Slain Iran General Faces Same Fate If He Kills Americans, U.S. Warns 2020-January-24
U.S. Seeks to Corner Hizbullah in Latin America2020-January-23
U.S. Iran Envoy: The Intelligence Was Very Clear that Soleimani Was Plotting Large-Scale, Mass Casualty Attacks Against Americans 2020-January-16
The Killing of Soleimani May Restrain Tehran's Aggression2020-January-10
White House: Iran's Campaign of Terror Will No Longer Be Tolerated2020-January-09
Former Iraqi Parliamentarian Says Most Iraqis Support Soleimani's Killing2020-January-09
Targeting Soleimani Was Justified, Legally and Strategically 2020-January-06
The Long Battle with Iran2020-January-06
The Old Foreign-Policy Rulebook Shielded Bad Actors 2020-January-06
Why the Death of Iranian Commander Soleimani Won't Mean World War III2020-January-06

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