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War on Terror: Time to Get Tough - David Frum and Richard Perle2004-January-30
Judge Orders Hamas to Pay $116 Million2004-January-28
Withdrawing from the Arabs to the Embrace of the Europeans 2004-January-28
Iran's Threat to Coalition Forces in Iraq 2004-January-27
U.S., Israel Discuss Security Fence 2004-January-23
Shut Down Hamas2004-January-23
Janes: U.S. Gearing for Showdown with Syria 2004-January-23
A Fence That Minimizes Harm 2004-January-21
Explaining Islamic Terror 2004-January-21
Hizballah Fund-Raiser Charged in Michigan2004-January-16
Blair: No Peace Process Without "Credible Security Plan"2004-January-16
Terrorism and the Fence2004-January-16
The Security Fence: An Imperative for Israel 2004-January-16
Panel Probes Alleged Terror Ties of U.S. Muslim Groups2004-January-14
Female Bomber Kills 4 Israelis at Gaza Entrance 2004-January-14
What Makes a Terrorist? 2004-January-14
Israel's Security: The Hard-Learned Lessons 2004-January-14
"Spinning Into Control" 2004-January-12
Defense Minister's Security Briefing2004-January-12
Israel Makes More Humanitarian Gestures to Palestinians 2004-January-09
A Chance to Change the Agenda? 2004-January-09
Recovery Seen for Israeli Economy2004-January-08
Hamas's Political Wing: Terror by Other Means 2004-January-08
Bush Refuses to Lift Sanctions Against Libya2004-January-06
Looking Over the Horizon2004-January-06
Can Technology Defeat "Low-Tech" Terrorism?2004-January-06
Handle with Care: Words Like "Conflict," "Terrorist" 2004-January-06
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia Coddling Fundamentalist Fanatics 2004-January-02
In Defense of a Fence 2004-January-02
Iranian Futures 2004-January-01
Kill Them Before They Can Kill Us2004-January-01
Global Anti-Semitism2003-December-31
Al Qaeda Links Seen in Attacks on Top Saudi Security Officials2003-December-30
Jordan to Educate Schoolchildren About Terrorism2003-December-30
IDF: Iran, Syria, and Palestinians are the Only Ones Left Who Shelter Terrorists2003-December-30
Fence-Building Anarchists2003-December-30
Britain Tightens Security on Flights Across Atlantic2003-December-29
Time Is On Israel's Side2003-December-29
Powell: "Syria Still Doesn't Get It"2003-December-25
UK Plans to Pressure Syria on Weapons2003-December-25
Iran Made Great Gains from America's "War on Terrorism"2003-December-25
Reading Sharon's Mind2003-December-24
US Terror Alert Raised to High2003-December-22
Israel Considering Sending Judges to Hague2003-December-22
Ford Foundation Ends Funding of Anti-Israel Group2003-December-19
Ford Foundation Ends Funding of Anti-Israel Group2003-December-18
Dichter: The Fence for the Existence of Israel 2003-December-17
Sharon Predicts Qurei Will Fall Within Six Months2003-December-16
Bush Signs Measure Imposing Sanctions on Syria2003-December-15
The Price of Intransigence2003-December-12

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