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Islamic State Turned Desperate in Mosul Fight, Iraqis Say 2017-July-14
Senate Panel Weighs Bill to Cut U.S. Funding to Palestinians over Payments to Terrorists 2017-July-13
Sen. Corker: Palestinian Terrorists Seek to Commit More Heinous Crimes in Order to Get More PA Money2017-July-13
Israel Grapples with Iran's Growing Military Presence in Syria2017-July-12
It's Time for the U.S. to Stop Paying for Palestinian Terrorism2017-July-12
Qatar Agrees to Combat Terrorism Financing under Deal with U.S.2017-July-12
ISIS, Despite Heavy Losses, Still Inspires Global Attacks 2017-July-11
Our Saudi Arabian Frenemy2017-July-07
Ontario Court Upholds $1.7 Billion Judgment Against Iran, Ruling in Favor of American Victims of Terrorism 2017-July-04
Video: What Are Defensible Borders and Why Are They Important for Israel2017-July-04
Jordan's King Discusses Peace Process with Senior U.S. Officials2017-July-03
ISIS Reverts to Insurgent Roots to Pose Long-Term Threat 2017-June-30
Israel and India: A New Strategic Partnership 2017-June-30
The Islamic State: Down - The Salafi-Jihad Movement: Up2017-June-30
Video: Lessons from Israel's Response to Terrorism2017-June-30
Palestinian Rejectionism Means No Deal2017-June-29
Knesset Speaker, Once a Prisoner in Siberia, Addresses Russian Parliament2017-June-28
Pressuring the PA Is Key to Ending Terrorist Payments2017-June-28
U.S. and Israel Team Up to Fight "Bad Actors" in Cyberspace2017-June-27
Israel to Introduce New Security Measures at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem 2017-June-27
The Harm in Trying: The Downside of the Middle East "Peace Process"2017-June-27
Gaza's Humanitarian Crisis Is Fake News 2017-June-23
Clarity in Fighting Terrorism2017-June-21
The Growing U.S.-Iran Proxy Fight in Syria2017-June-21
Iran Has Squandered Its Chance to Avoid Sanctions2017-June-20
Senate Passes Sweeping Sanctions Bill Targeting Iran, Russia 2017-June-16
When Palestinians Are Hopeless, Terror Declines; When Hopeful, Terrorism Increases 2017-June-16
IDF General Naveh: Gaza Disengagement Proved that Terrorism Has Nothing to Do with Settlements2017-June-16
London Mayor Sadiq Khan Sought Israel's Advice on Fighting Terror2017-June-14
Egypt Said to Offer Hamas Electricity in Exchange for 17 Wanted Men2017-June-14
Civilian Self-Defense Is Essential to Combat Modern Terrorism2017-June-14
The Six-Day War: Costs vs. Benefits for Israel2017-June-14
Jerusalem Mayor: West Starting to Understand What Israel Has Faced with Radical Islam 2017-June-13
Terror Attacks in Europe Drive NATO Closer to Israel 2017-June-12
UK Conservatives Working with DUP Will Be Good News for Israel2017-June-12
Justice Dept: Two Men Arrested in the United States for Terrorist Activities on Behalf of Hizbullah2017-June-09
French Attacker Shouted "This Is for Syria" before Being Shot2017-June-07
How Communities Respond to Terrorism - and Overcome Fear2017-June-06
Six Days and 50 Years of War2017-June-05
Iran Funds Families of Islamic Jihad Terrorists in Gaza2017-June-02
PA Payments to Terrorists Are an Open Scandal 2017-June-02
UN Pulls Backing for Palestinian Women's Center Named for Terrorist 2017-May-30
Palestinians Paid Terrorists $1 Billion in Past 4 Years2017-May-30
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves Stiff Iran Sanctions 2017-May-29
Senate Committee Approves Comprehensive Bill to Hold Iran Accountable2017-May-29
Some of Manchester Bomber's Network Potentially Still At Large 2017-May-29
What Makes Arab Leaders Pragmatic 2017-May-29
Why Middle East Peace Starts in Saudi Arabia2017-May-26
The Palestinians Can Win If They Give Up Victim Status2017-May-26
Manchester Terror Attack: What the UK Can Learn from Israel2017-May-26

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