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The Military Battle Against Terrorism: Direct Contact vs. Standoff Warfare 2006-April-21
The Horror of Hamas 2006-April-20
U.S. Poll: 80% Say No Funding for PA Now2006-April-19
Why Bail Hamas Out?2006-April-19
Hamas Defends Attack on Tel Aviv2006-April-18
Hamas' Weasel Words Bode Ill for Peace 2006-April-18
Judge Hamas on What It Says and Does about Terrorism2006-April-18
PA Purchased Weapons with Israeli and Foreign Aid2006-April-18
PA Calls New Hamas Security Force a "Declaration of War"2006-April-18
The Pentagon Preps for Iran2006-April-17
Tehran Hosts Conference in Support of Palestinians 2006-April-17
U.S. Steps Up Financial Pressure on Hamas2006-April-17
Gunmen Made into Lawmen for Hamas Force 2006-April-16
Hamas' Imbroglio 2006-April-16
How to Stop Iran (Without Firing a Shot) 2006-April-16
A Conversation with Interim Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert2006-April-10
The EU and Israel: Radically Different Worldviews2006-April-07
U.S. Says Saudi Individuals Still Funding Terrorism2006-April-05
Chinese Deny Forming Ties with Hamas 2006-April-05
Policy Analysis - Paranoid Style2006-March-30
Hamas' "Moderation"2006-March-29
A Victory Over Terrorist Media 2006-March-29
Promoting Democracy and Preventing Terrorism 2006-March-28
Hamas Governs 2006-March-28
U.S. Freezes Hizballah Media Assets2006-March-24
Germany: Islamist Terror Threatens Europe, Israel2006-March-24
Double Standard Exists on Terrorism 2006-March-24
The Basis of the U.S.-Israel Alliance: An Israeli Response to the Mearsheimer-Walt Assault 2006-March-24
Hamas Unlikely to Moderate2006-March-23
Iran Crisis Could Lead to a Nuclear-Armed World 2006-March-22
Jenin Al-Aqsa Brigades Leader Admits Hizballah Funding and Influence2006-March-21
Growing Iran-Syria Ties2006-March-21
Hamas' New Strategy Threatens U.S. Interests2006-March-17
A Memo to the New Hamas Prime Minister2006-March-13
Rice: "Our Problem Is the Iranian Regime"2006-March-10
Al-Qaeda Sympathizers Creating Internet Communities2006-March-10
Israeli Anti-Terror Training Aids U.S. Security2006-March-10
Iran Military Options Open2006-March-10
United States Policy toward Iran: Next Steps2006-March-09
Peace Talks "Not Practical" with Hamas2006-March-09
Idealist Rachel Corrie Was Misled 2006-March-07
Debating Terror in Hamas' Backyard2006-March-07
Underwriting Hamas2006-March-06
Ties between Al-Qaeda and Hamas Are Long and Frequent2006-March-06
Does Democracy End Tyranny?2006-March-06
Hamas More Don't We Know?2006-March-02
Bomb Victims' Parents Petition Academy Awards to Reject Movie 2006-March-02
IDF Officer Cancels Studies in UK Due to Possible Legal Proceedings2006-February-28
Iran Wants to Turn Hamas into Hizballah2006-February-27
Hamas and Us2006-February-27

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