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U.S. Preparing Fresh Iran Sanctions over Ballistic Missile Program2015-December-31
Polls Show Low Support for Islamic State, But Stronger Support for Violence "in Defense of Islam"2015-December-31
Belgians Arrest Two in New Year's Terror Plot 2015-December-30
Eyewitness Accounts from Recent Defectors from Islamic State2015-December-29
Sixty People Charged with Terrorism in U.S. in 2015 - a Record2015-December-28
Netanyahu: Israel Condemns Terror, Palestinian Authority Praises It2015-December-28
Netanyahu Condemns Jewish Terror, But Says No Comparison in Scope to Arab Terror 2015-December-25
Israel's Homegrown Enemies2015-December-25
Iran Objects to New U.S. Visa Rules2015-December-22
The Risks of Inaction in the Face of Iranian Misbehavior2015-December-22
The Death Knell of the Non-Proliferation Regime?2015-December-21
Iranian and Hizbullah Operations in South America2015-December-17
The Price of Unjustifiable Murder2015-December-17
Arab Construction Worker Attacks Boss on Tuesday 2015-December-16
Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg: Hamas, Gazan Workers, and the Israeli Labor Market 2015-December-15
FBI Says It Is Refocused on Movement of Islamic State Recruits into U.S.2015-December-11
What the U.S. Can Learn from Israel on Facing Domestic Terror 2015-December-11
The Formulation of a Counterterrorism Strategy 2015-December-11
Arab Bank Wins U.S. Appeal over Terror-Finance Claims 2015-December-09
After San Bernardino Attack, President Obama Addresses the Nation on Terrorism 2015-December-07
California Attack Has U.S. Rethinking Strategy on Homegrown Terror 2015-December-07
Netanyahu: There Will Be Peace "Eventually"2015-December-04
Israel, the Designated Villain, Never Gets an Even Break2015-December-04
Saudi Arabia Sanctions 12 Hizbullah Leaders2015-December-03
Paris Summit Shows How Israel Is Not Isolated 2015-December-02
For Israel: ISIS Is Bad, But the Iranian Axis Is the Graver Threat2015-December-02
UK Bank Closes Accounts of Palestine Solidarity Campaign2015-December-01
Netanyahu: If Abbas Is Committed to Peace, He Must Stop Inciting His People Against Israel2015-December-01
Netanyahu Calls for Friendly Countries to Change UN Voting Pattern on Israel2015-December-01
The Paris Attacks: Not a Strategic Change, But a Natural Development2015-December-01
Israel Helps EU Deal with New Reality 2015-November-30
IDF: Palestinian Public Very Supportive of Wave of Terror Against Israelis2015-November-30
Putin: Russia, Israel Share Anti-Terrorism Information2015-November-27
Senators Propose Anti-BDS Guidelines for Export-Import Bank2015-November-27
Egypt, Israel Rebuff Bid to Trim Sinai Peacekeeping Force2015-November-25
Hamas Looks Beyond Rome and Beyond2015-November-25
Kerry: Israel Has Every Right to Defend Itself2015-November-24
Iran Is Part of the Problem in Syria, Not Part of the Solution2015-November-24
How to Beat ISIS 2015-November-24
ISIS Still Has Access to International Financial System2015-November-24
Poll: 60 Percent of Americans Say U.S. Is at War with Radical Islamic Terrorism2015-November-23
Palestinian Authority Says "Killing Palestinian Teen Is War Crime"2015-November-23
53 Iranian IRGC Fighters Killed in Syria2015-November-20
Why the Palestinians Keep Killing 2015-November-20
Politically Correct Westerners Serve the Aims of the Islamist Revolution 2015-November-20
Coping with Terror by Choosing Life2015-November-20
How to Fight a Real War on ISIS2015-November-19
How Do ISIS Terrorists Finance Their Attacks? 2015-November-19
The Slaughter in Paris: Motives and Implications2015-November-18
Will the West Now Adopt Israel's Anti-Terror Strategies? 2015-November-18

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