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Pakistan: Asia's Islamism Engine 2008-December-05
Court Upholds $156M Palestinian Terror Verdict 2008-December-04
Nuclear or Biological Attack Called Likely2008-December-04
NATO, Israel Boost Anti-Terror Cooperation 2008-December-03
Intelligence Warned of Mumbai Attack 2008-December-03
Could a Mumbai-Style Attack Happen in the U.S.? 2008-December-03
Fatah Terrorist Killed in West Bank 2008-December-02
U.S., UK, Israel Ramp Up Intelligence Aid to India2008-December-01
Mumbai Attacks Suggest Outside Help 2008-November-28
How Not to Deal with Militant Islam 2008-November-28
Terrorists Feel Exempt from International Law 2008-November-28
London Conference on Abuse of "Universal Jurisdiction"2008-November-27
What Is Killing the Prospect of Mideast Peace? 2008-November-27
Arab Americans Policing Their Donations Now 2008-November-26
Charity with Ties to Hamas Convicted in Terrorism Financing Trial2008-November-25
Fresh Ideas for the Middle East2008-November-25
Palestinian Civil War Casts Shadow Over Peace Talks2008-November-24
Forecast by American Intelligence Expects Al-Qaeda's Appeal to Falter 2008-November-21
Hizbullah Disputes Legitimacy of Israel-Lebanon International Border 2008-November-21
Obama Will Find Middle East Peace Elusive 2008-November-21
Palestinian Security Services Carry Out Intensive Activity in the Hebron District 2008-November-20
Israel Criticizes UN Remarks Urging End to Gaza Blockade 2008-November-19
Significant Erosion of Gaza Lull Arrangement2008-November-19
Hamas Opens Second Satellite TV Channel 2008-November-19
The Money Trail: Finding, Following, and Freezing Terrorist Finance 2008-November-19
UK Foreign Secretary Sums Up the Trouble with Syria 2008-November-19
Lebanon: Puritanical Sunnis Team Up with Pro-West Hariri 2008-November-18
Swiss Attack Israeli Policy While Refusing to Sanction Iran 2008-November-18
Hamas Introducing New Legal Code Based on Islamic Religious Law 2008-November-14
Toward a New Negotiating Paradigm 2008-November-14
U.S. Cracks Down on Islamic Charity for Bankrolling Hamas 2008-November-13
Israel Calls for Support in Ending Gaza Violence2008-November-12
Israel Urges Biden Not to Go Soft on Iran, Hamas 2008-November-11
Iran's Latin America Push 2008-November-11
Abbas and Livni Brief Middle East Peace Quartet at Sharm el Sheikh2008-November-10
European Court of Justice Challenges Terrorism Financing Blacklists2008-November-03
The Treasury Department's War with Iran2008-November-03
Holy Land Jurors Get Sample of Hamas Martyr Propaganda 2008-October-31
Documents Say Iran Aids Militias from Iraq2008-October-29
Why Iran Is Cooling Off2008-October-29
Israel Aware of Security Challenges, Despite Elections 2008-October-28
After Sponsoring Terrorism Against Its Neighbors, Syria Plays the Victim When Its Own Border Is Breached 2008-October-28
Iran Will Be at the Top of the Next President's In-Tray 2008-October-27
Hamas' Vicious AqsaTube 2008-October-24
Saudi Arabia and the Struggle Against Al-Qaeda 2008-October-24
U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Iranian Bank2008-October-23
Britain Faces Threat from Radicalized Muslims for 30 Years2008-October-23
From Beirut to 9/11 2008-October-23
Stopping a Nuclear Tehran 2008-October-23
U.S. Military Report: Terms "Jihad," "Islamist" Are Needed 2008-October-22

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