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Terrorism's Christian Godfather: George Habash Dies 2008-January-28
International Law and Gaza: The Assault on Israel's Right to Self-Defense 2008-January-28
Warning: Palestinian Terrorists Seek to Kidnap Israelis in Sinai and Bring Them to Gaza2008-January-25
Gaza Border Breach May Pressure Egypt to Act 2008-January-24
Judge Sentences Padilla to 17 Years2008-January-23
Palestinian Media Continue Incitement Against Israel in Contravention of Roadmap 2008-January-23
Israel's Statement to the Security Council: The Situation in Gaza and Sderot 2008-January-23
U.S. Lawmakers Renew Opposition to U.S. Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia 2008-January-17
GAO Report Challenges Effect of Longtime U.S. Sanctions on Iran 2008-January-17
Bush and Rice Pushing for "Shelf" Agreement2008-January-17
Bush Urges Unity Against Iran 2008-January-15
Israel, PA Start Talks on "Core Issues" 2008-January-15
New Arabic Website Covers Western Media2008-January-14
Israel's True Friends2008-January-14
Where Bush Needs to Nudge2008-January-11
U.S. Blacklists Iranian Commander, Syrian-Based TV Station2008-January-10
Olmert, Abbas Meet to Seal Talks Framework2008-January-08
The Bush Visit and Tensions in the U.S.-Israel Relationship2008-January-07
Cease-Fire with Hamas in Gaza Is No Solution 2008-January-02
Islamist Groups in Lebanon2008-January-01
How to Pressure for Peace2007-December-31
A New, Younger Jihadi Threat Emerges2007-December-28
The Hate Industry: Gaza Children Encouraged to Kiss Corpses of Terrorist "Martyrs" 2007-December-27
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Under Attack in Gaza2007-December-25
Questions about Palestinian Aid 2007-December-21
Iran Making Push into Nicaragua2007-December-20
Sanction Iran Now2007-December-20
There'll Be No Peace in Our Time2007-December-19
A Peaceful Palestinian State Is an Israeli Interest2007-December-18
Abbas' Anti-Terror Forces Train in Russia2007-December-12
Contending with Iran's Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities2007-December-07
Iran: The Elephant in the Room2007-December-07
Iran's Intentions Are Still the Great Unknown2007-December-06
Jordan's Spy Agency: Holding Cell for the CIA2007-December-04
Report: Palestinian Prisoners Released by Israel Killed 177 Israelis2007-December-04
Hopes for Peace2007-December-04
Olmert: Israel Must Assure Security for Its Citizens, Even If This Requires Considerable Time2007-December-03
Detroit Man Pleads Guilty to Bid to Aid Hizbullah2007-November-30
Is South America a Terrorist Incubator?2007-November-30
Joint Israel-PLO Understanding Read by President Bush at Annapolis Conference2007-November-28
Olmert at Annapolis: We Want Peace; We Demand an End to Terror, Incitement and Hatred2007-November-28
Most Foreign Fighters in Iraq Come from U.S. Allies Saudi Arabia and Libya 2007-November-22
Hamas Trial Defendant Gets 11 Years2007-November-22
The Amnesty Plan for Fatah Operatives on Israel's Wanted List - Interim Summary2007-November-22
Saudi-Based Terrorist Charity Remains UN-Recognized NGO2007-November-20
Survey: Americans See Israel as Ally2007-November-19
Islamic Terror Hits Maldives Tourist Paradise2007-November-16
Who Are Iran's Revolutionary Guards? 2007-November-15
No Aid to PA Without Performance 2007-November-15
Fundamentalist Islam Finds Fertile Ground in Bosnia2007-November-15

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