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A History of Violence2011-October-17
The Prisoner Exchange2011-October-14
Iran's Terror Plot a Sobering Wake-Up Call2011-October-12
Egypt's Silhouette of Fire2011-October-11
Israel Sees Rise in Security Exports2011-October-11
Israelis Warned to Stay Away from Sinai 2011-October-11
Canada Mounts Vigorous Defense of Israel at UN 2011-October-07
Abbas at the UN: Another Lost Chance for Peacemaking2011-September-28
Hamas Expanding Its Activities in Saudi Arabia, Turkey2011-September-28
I Oppose the Palestinian UN Bid for Practical Reasons2011-September-23
Israel: A Solid Strategic Asset for the U.S.2011-September-23
Washington Presses Ankara to Ease Tensions with Israel 2011-September-21
Congress Mulls Action Against PA in Light of UN Bid2011-September-21
Al-Qaeda Tightens Grip in Sinai 2011-September-16
Hamas Weighing a Resumption of Suicide Bombings2011-September-15
Iran Sees New Opportunity for Regional Domination Despite Turkish Competition 2011-September-15
Ten Years after 9/11 Tony Blair Says Iran Is a Greater Enemy to the Civilized World than Al-Qaeda2011-September-12
Trial Starts in Oren Speech Case2011-September-09
Heat-Seeking Missiles Are Missing from Libyan Arms Stockpile2011-September-08
EU Should Demand Same Peace-Building Measures from Palestinians as It Did Before Recognizing New States in Europe2011-September-06
Whose Brilliant Idea Was That UN Vote? 2011-August-25
Palestinian-Style Silence of the Lambs2011-August-25
Palestinians Only Lose with Violence2011-August-24
IDF Had Warning of Possible Attack 2011-August-19
Conference of Presidents Condemns Terror Attacks in Israel 2011-August-19
Qaeda Trying to Harness Toxin for Bombs, U.S. Officials Fear2011-August-15
Court Lets U.S. Terror Victim's Family Sue Palestinian Authority2011-August-15
Tutu's War on Israel, Jews 2011-August-15
Gaza Summer Camps Include Political Indoctrination2011-August-10
Israel Sends Condolences over Deaths of 30 U.S. Servicemen in Afghanistan2011-August-08
Cairo Hosts Conference Supporting Terrorism2011-August-08
U.S. Accuses Iran of Aiding Al-Qaeda2011-July-29
Norway Needs a Single Standard Against Terrorism 2011-July-29
Al-Qaeda in Iran - Editorial 2011-July-29
The Flotilla Folk: Blinded by Hatred of Israel2011-July-26
Bring Those Indicted in 1994 Argentina Bombing to Trial2011-July-22
How Iran Is Helping Assad Suppress Syria's "Arab Spring"2011-July-20
House Bill to Limit Aid to Palestinians2011-July-19
Hizbullah and Iran in the Americas2011-July-15
White House Admits War with Iran2011-July-15
U.S. Aid to Palestinians in Jeopardy over Hamas Link2011-July-13
In Iran, Sanctions Aim at Shipping Lifeline2011-July-11
U.S. House Warns Palestinians on Statehood Bid2011-July-08
Iran to Try 26 U.S. Officials in Absentia2011-July-07
More Diplomatic Theater? 2011-July-06
A U.S. Peace Plan?2011-July-06
On Israel, Greece Gets It Right2011-July-05
Greece Puts Halt to Gaza Flotilla in a Win for Israel 2011-July-04
U.S. Senate Opposes Unilateral Declaration of Palestinian Statehood2011-June-30
New U.S. Sanctions Target Iran2011-June-24

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