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Time for Palestinians to Stop Fighting Lost Battles 2018-August-15
Argentina, Paraguay Target Hizbullah's Tri-Border Area Terror Finance2018-August-14
Iran's Deadly Diplomats2018-August-10
The Impending Syrian Regime Offensive in Idlib, the Last Rebel Province 2018-August-07
Why the Economic Rehabilitation of Gaza Will Not Bring Peace 2018-August-06
Defense Minister: Israel Will Target Those Behind Arson Attacks from Gaza 2018-August-03
Israel's Alleged Nuclear Weapons in Perspective 2018-August-03
U.S. Seeks to Revive "Arab NATO" to Confront Iran 2018-August-01
Israel to Build New Homes in Israeli Community after Deadly Palestinian Attack2018-July-30
Israel Freed Turkish Detainee at Trump's Request2018-July-27
Israel Is Not Going to Hand a Gun to Hamas, the Murderer Next Door 2018-July-27
Iran Faces a Deadline on Terrorism Financing2018-July-24
Mossad Helped Foil Iranian Terror Attack in France 2018-July-20
Hamas Plans to Launch Exploding Drones into Israel 2018-July-16
Palestinian Arson Attacks Breach International Law2018-July-16
Hizbullah and Shi'ite Militias Integrated into Syrian Army2018-July-16
Pompeo Urges EU to Get Tough on Iran2018-July-13
Israel Urges UN Environmental Advocate to Condemn Hamas Arson Attacks2018-July-13
The Peace Process: Is There Anything Really to Talk About?2018-July-13
Why the Concern for UNRWA?2018-July-13
Israel Court Orders Confiscation of Gaza Flotilla Ships to Pay Terror Victims2018-July-12
Israel Expands the Fight Against Palestinian Arson2018-July-10
Germany Sending 300 Million Euros in Cash to Iran2018-July-09
Netanyahu Asks Europe to "Stop Appeasing Iran"2018-July-04
White House Warns Palestinians of Aid Cut without End to "Martyr" Payments 2018-June-26
Arson Terrorism by Hamas2018-June-21
The Decreasing Effectiveness of Hamas Terrorism 2018-June-21
Jihadist Planned Suicide Attack to Kill British Prime Minister May2018-June-20
Canadian House of Commons Votes Against Restoring Ties with Iran2018-June-18
Terrorism-Related Arrests in UK Reach Record Level 2018-June-15
Study: Most Lone-Wolf Palestinian Terrorists Posted Intentions on Social Media2018-June-15
With a North Korea Deal in the Offing, Iran Is Becoming the Biggest Thorn in America's Side2018-June-14
Economic Benefits Will Not Bring Stability to Gaza2018-June-07
U.S. Warns Allies on Business Ties to Iran 2018-June-06
Gazan Burning-Kite Attacks Spark Fires, JNF to Sue Hamas for Environmental Damage2018-June-06
Is Economic Rehabilitation the Answer to Palestinian Violence in Gaza?2018-June-05
U.S. Treasury Targets Iranian Government's Human Rights Abuses, Censorship, and Enhanced Monitoring 2018-May-31
Beyond Sanctions, How the U.S. Can Pressure Iran2018-May-31
The Identity of Palestinians Killed in the "Great Return March" 2018-May-29
Israel Rejects UN Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry2018-May-21
How Israelis See the World2018-May-11
Gallant: Conflict between Iran and the U.S. Could Directly Affect Israel2018-May-09
A Courageous Trump Call on a Lousy Iran Deal2018-May-09
Israel and Its Neighbors Need an Iran Deal Overhaul2018-May-01
Britain Must Take a Stand Against Iran's Terrorist Proxies 2018-April-27
80 Percent of Gazans Killed at Israel Border Riots Were Affiliated with Terrorists2018-April-27
Is Palestinian Terrorism the Result of Desperation?2018-April-27
Trump: Iran Can't Be Allowed to Develop Nuclear Weapons2018-April-25
U.S. Mideast Envoy: "You Can't Make Peace in an Environment Where Violence Is Celebrated"2018-April-25
U.S. Decision on Jerusalem Did Not Lead to Increase in Violence2018-April-23

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