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The Iran-Russia-Syria Alliance Is the Middle East's "Number One Problem"2016-February-24
Islamic State Propaganda Features Minors on Suicide Missions2016-February-23
Terrorism Expert: PA in Competition with Hamas on Anti-Israel Incitement 2016-February-23
If You Apply the Reagan Formula to Iran2016-February-22
"BDS Is Anti-Semitic"; "It Poisons the Atmosphere"2016-February-19
U.S. Jewish Leader: Ties between Jerusalem and Washington Remain Stable 2016-February-18
Merkel: Now's Not the Time for Major Progress on Palestinian State2016-February-17
The U.S. Record on Prosecuting Palestinian Killers of Americans2016-February-17
Iran Remains Off Limits to U.S. Banks2016-February-16
EU Backs Down from Product-Labeling Push2016-February-15
Most Israeli Arabs Do Not Support Terrorism2016-February-12
Israel Surveys New Reality of Tunnels and Terror2016-February-12
Where Is the Third Intifada Headed?2016-February-11
How Palestinians Hurt the Palestinians2016-February-11
Israel's Policy on Returning the Bodies of Terrorists2016-February-09
Twitter Says It Shut Down 125,000 Accounts Promoting ISIS 2016-February-08
Israel Seeks to Prevent Escalation of Palestinian Terrorism2016-February-08
Netanyahu: Islamic Terrorism Is Inundating the World-2016-February-05
Salafism on the Rise in China 2016-February-05
Congress Questions Justice Department's Commitment to Prosecuting Palestinian Terrorists Who Killed Americans 2016-February-04
Does "Occupation" Justify Terrorism?2016-February-04
Don't Shoot the Messenger, Israel 2016-February-01
Netanyahu Talks Cooperation with Leaders of Greece, Cyprus2016-January-29
The Roots of Terrorism2016-January-29
UN Fails to Learn Lessons of Holocaust 2016-January-29
Israel Slams UN Chief for Justifying Palestinian Terrorism2016-January-28
Why India Is Getting Closer to Israel2016-January-28
Israel: Turkey Buying IS Oil2016-January-27
It's Not Just the Settlements, the Palestinians Reject All of Israel2016-January-27
Israeli Opposition Leader Herzog Tells French President: No More Moves Against Israel; Two-State Solution Currently Unrealistic2016-January-25
Where Does All that Aid for Palestinians Go?2016-January-25
The Real Story of "Implementation Day"2016-January-22
Addressing Iranian Threats to U.S. National Security 2016-January-22
NATO's Evolving Role in the Middle East 2016-January-22
Hamas Leader Calls for Holy War Against Israel 2016-January-21
Video: One Year after the Assassination of Alberto Nisman2016-January-21
West Ignoring Grave Islamic State Threat in Libya2016-January-21
Gates: Don't Expect the Nuclear Agreement to Lead to a More Moderate Iran2016-January-20
U.S. Finds Iran in Compliance with Nuclear Deal, Lifts Sanctions2016-January-18
Netanyahu: Iran Will Now Have More Resources to Divert to Terrorism and Aggression2016-January-18
Israel Struggles to Combat Homegrown ISIS Threat2016-January-15
U.S. Supreme Court Hears Case Involving Judgments Against Iran 2016-January-14
Swedish Delegation in Israel to Learn How to Deal with Terrorism2016-January-14
Iran's Other Scary Weapons Program 2016-January-11
Israel Is Not Isolated, It Is Highly Sought After 2016-January-11
U.S. Arrests Two Palestinians on Terror Charges 2016-January-08
Petraeus: "Roll Back Iran's Malign Activities"2016-January-08
Time for Palestinians to Recognize that the Jews Are Here to Stay2016-January-07
Chinese Muslim Militants Join with Indonesian Jihadists2016-January-06
Palestinians Speak Out Against Children Participating in Terrorist Attacks2016-January-06

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