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Inside the War on Hamas2003-September-16
UN Sets Vote on Plea to Shield Arafat; U.S. Veto Looms2003-September-16
Powell Says Syria Not Doing Enough on Terrorism2003-September-16
Iran Ordered to Pay $400M to Jerusalem Bomb Victims2003-September-16
The Oslo Accord's Terrible Toll2003-September-16
Should Arafat be Deported?2003-September-16
Arafat is an Obstacle to Peace 2003-September-16
Israel Vows No Quarter for Hamas2003-September-15
Exit Arafat?2003-September-15
The Saudi-Al Qaeda Connection2003-September-12
Al-Qaeda Recruiting on the Internet2003-September-12
Congress Pushed Out of Supervision of PA Aid2003-September-12
U.S. Blocks Cabinet Move to Exile Arafat2003-September-12
War on U.S. Didn't Begin on 9/112003-September-12
Still Waiting for an Accounting of Saudi Involvement in 9/112003-September-11
State: Deal with Arafat? "Been There, Done That"2003-September-10
Scrutiny for Saudi Airlift2003-September-10
FBI Operating Against al-Qaeda Affiliates in 40 States2003-September-09
Maj.-Gen. Gilad: Arafat Must Go2003-September-09
Mideast Peace Without a Map2003-September-09
Inside the Kingdom2003-September-08
Powell Urges Palestinians to Fight Terror2003-September-08
Netanyahu on Fighting Terrorism2003-September-08
Syria: Israel and the U.S. Are Terrorist States2003-September-05
Report: Mossad Team Visited Iraq for Anti-Terror Efforts2003-September-04
Russia, Saudis to Coordinate Anti-Terror Efforts2003-September-04
U.S. Bombed by Egyptian Press2003-September-04
Ten Years Since Oslo: The PLO's "People's War" Strategy and Israel's Inadequate Response2003-September-04
Israel Seeks Moratorium on Critical UN Resolutions2003-September-03
Word Choice Matters in Mideast Reporting2003-September-02
To Rescue Islam From Jihad, Muslims Must Look Within2003-September-01
Arafat Rebounds (Again)2003-September-01
True Benevolence2003-August-29
Terror Stings Its Pal, the UN2003-August-28
U.S. Criticizes Arafat Decision on Security Chief2003-August-27
New York Mayor Bloomberg Visits Bombing Site, Victims2003-August-27
The Upsurge in Terror is a Sign of the West's Success2003-August-27
Face the Terrorists2003-August-26
Another Way of Looking at the Road Map2003-August-25
Turning Point in the Road Map2003-August-22
Israel to Buy Natural Gas from Egypt2003-August-21
Israel Plans Response to Jerusalem Terror Attack2003-August-21
Death in Jerusalem2003-August-21
Terror By Whatever Name is the Same2003-August-21
Unholy Terror2003-August-21
Terrorists Entering Iraq from Syria Join Saudi Mujahideen2003-August-20
Baghdad and Jerusalem2003-August-20
The Capture of Hambali2003-August-19
Idi Amin Felt at Home with the Saudis2003-August-19
Saudi Arabia's Teachers of Terror 2003-August-18

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