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In Jenin, Young Men and Children Brandishing Rifles Pledge: "Jihad Is Our Path!"2022-June-30
U.S. Jewish Leaders Condemn Anti-Israel UNHRC Report2022-June-09
The Necessary Campaign to Destroy the Jenin Terrorist Hub 2022-June-02
Gaza Terror Groups Prepare for Next War with Israel2022-May-23
el: Calls for U.S. Investigation into Reporter's Death Ignore the PA's Refusal to Cooperate2022-May-23
A West Bank Hot Spot Reemerges 2022-May-19
Hamas Is Behind the Ramadan Escalation2022-May-09
Does Anyone Seriously Think that Giving a Bomb and Billions of Dollars Will Make the Mullahs Less Aggressive? 2022-May-04
It Is the Terrorist Organizations Who Endangered Muslim and Jewish Worshippers in Jerusalem2022-April-25
Another New York Times Journalistic Malpractice Case. Again, Libeling Israel2022-April-25
Why Palestinians Celebrate the Murder of Jews2022-April-14
The PA and Fatah Are Behind the Current Terror Wave2022-April-11
Three Islamic Jihad Gunmen Killed En Route to Attack in Israel2022-April-04
In the New Geopolitics Emerging in the Middle East, America Is No Longer Dominant even among Its Allies 2022-March-31
Hamas, Islamic Jihad Call to Step Up Attacks in West Bank, Jerusalem2022-March-17
Russia Says Iran Got More than Expected in Vienna Nuclear Talks2022-March-10
A "Major Non-NATO Ally"?: For Decades, Qatar Has Supported Every Anti-American Islamic Terrorist Organization2022-February-21
How the Killing of Fatah Gunmen Serves Abbas2022-February-10
The Amnesty Report on Israel Affirms the PLO's 60-Year "Apartheid" Strategy 2022-February-03
Pragmatic Gulf States Are Tired of Iran's Proxies Disrupting the Region2022-February-03
The Campaign to Weaken Iran Has Begun 2022-February-03
Palestinian Authority Cracks Down on Opposition 2022-January-27
Islamic Jihad Stages Pro-Iran, Anti-Saudi Rally in Gaza2022-January-24
Gulf Arabs Slam Palestinian Terror Groups for "Supporting" Houthi Attacks 2022-January-24
Aafia Siddiqui and the Misguided Support for Women of Jihad2022-January-20
Until the Palestinian Authority Stops Inciting Violence, Engagement for Peace Is Hopeless2022-January-13
Controversy in Gaza over Billboards Commemorating Iranian General Soleimani2022-January-13
Hamas Fires Anti-Aircraft Missiles at IDF Helicopters Striking Gaza 2022-January-03
In 2021, the IDF Saw Action on Six Fronts 2022-January-03
Improving Gaza's Economy Will Not De-radicalize Hamas2022-January-03
The UN Creates a Permanent Commission to Attack the Jewish State2021-December-30
Hizbullah Has 2,000 Drones - Part of Iran's UAV Army2021-December-23
Israel Arrests Palestinians Who Murdered Israeli in Shooting Attack 2021-December-20
Latest Palestinian Attacks Are Motivated by Incitement Combined with Hamas' Interest to Increase Terror 2021-December-20
Parents of Palestinian Murderers "Proud of Their Sons"2021-December-20
Recent Palestinian "Martyrs" Urge Others to Follow in their Footsteps2021-December-16
Incitement Behind Rise in Palestinian Terror Attacks2021-December-09
The Evidence Linking Palestinian Civil Society Organizations to Terror Groups Is Well-Documented 2021-November-29
PA Launches Military Operation to Regain Control of Jenin2021-November-22
Thousands in West Bank Attend Funeral of Top Hamas Official 2021-November-15
Algeria Confronts Europe and the West over Gas and the Western Sahara2021-November-15
Hamas' Growing Role in Iran's Scheme to Encircle Israel 2021-November-11
Hamas Prepares for Next Round of Fighting Against Israel 2021-November-01
Palestinian Prisoners No One Talks About2021-October-28
PA Security Forces Members Planned Terror Attack2021-October-25
Saudi Arabia Is No Longer a Kingdom of Hate 2021-October-21
Stop Enabling the Anti-Semites 2021-October-18
Palestinian Authority Cracks Down on Activists, Rivals in West Bank 2021-October-14
Why Arabs Are Annoyed with the Europeans 2021-October-07
Iran: We Have Established Six Armies Outside Our Borders2021-September-30

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