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Jordanians, Egyptians to Train PA Policemen 2002-August-16
Syria: Saddam's Newest Playmate2002-August-12
New U.S. UN Stance Changes the Debate on Israel2002-July-31
Suit to Block U.S.-Based Charities from Funding Terrorists2002-July-26
Suicide Attacks: Israel and Islamic Terrorism 2002-July-26
FBI Targets Top Islamic Jihad U.S. Fundraiser2002-July-23
The Islamic Jihad Movement 2002-July-23
Emerging from the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis2002-July-19
Suicide Bomber Captured2002-July-15
Barghouti-linked Political Movement Formed 2002-July-10
Shortage of Wanted Terrorists 2002-July-04
Jordan Foils Al Qaeda Plot to Attack US, Israeli Embasses2002-July-02
"Gee I Didn't Know Arafat Was So Tall"2002-July-01
Study: Syrian Textbooks Promote Hate2002-June-28
It's Not Just the Fundamentalists2002-June-26
Test PA Intentions in Gaza First2002-June-26
Changing Demographics of Suicide Bombers 2002-June-21
Why Arafat Went to War2002-June-20
Provisional Palestinian State is a Trap2002-June-17
Ramallah Sweep Yields Suicide Bombers 2002-June-11
The House that Yasser Built 2002-June-10
Militant's Claim that Arafat Can't End Attacks 2002-June-06
The Megiddo Bombing 2002-June-06
The American Road to Jihad2002-June-05
Car Bomb Destroys Crowded Bus in Northern Israel2002-June-05
Iran Hosts Conference to Support Palestinian Uprising2002-June-04
Bomber Called His Mother Before Blowing Himself Up 2002-May-29
Arafat Has the Capability; He Lacks the Will2002-May-29
Damning Documents Showing Palestinian Authority Support for Terrorism2002-May-24
Damning Documents Showing Palestinian Authority Support for Terrorism2002-May-24
UNRWA Camps Used as Terrorist Strongholds2002-May-22
Not Just Al-Qaeda, Hizballah Also Targets U.S.2002-May-21
Jibril Blames Israel for Son's Assassination2002-May-21
Semantics of Murder2002-May-09

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