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Al-Qaeda: The Next Goal Is to Liberate Spain from the Infidels2007-October-11
Egypt Lets Islamic Jihad Operatives Return to Gaza2007-October-10
Egypt Expecting Hamas-Fatah Dialogue2007-October-08
Suicide Bombers Head to Iraq from Damascus2007-October-08
Hamas Children's Magazine Glorifies Martyrdom2007-October-05
The Arab World's Steady March Backward2007-October-05
Report: Hamas Exchanges Al-Qaeda Fugitive for Stranded Fighters2007-October-01
Virginia Appointee Resigns After Videos Show Him Advocating "the Jihad Way"2007-September-28
Palestinian Rocket Hits House on Israeli Kibbutz 2007-September-28
Islamists Can Be Defeated2007-September-28
Access the Largest Counter-Terrorism Data Base in the World2007-September-26
Al-Zawahiri to the U.S.: "Do Not Ask President Bush When The Soldiers Will Return - Ask Instead How Many Will Return"2007-September-21
The Saudi Reign of Terror2007-September-21
Teaching Terror: Violence Is Inherent in Saudi Education 2007-September-21
Reckoning with Syria2007-September-20
Report: Egypt Moving Against Gaza Smuggling2007-September-19
Who Killed Watan?2007-September-19
Muslim Brotherhood's Papers Detail Plan to Seize U.S. 2007-September-17
Anti-Semitism Rises Again2007-September-17
Plot by German Cell Detailed on Internet 2007-September-12
Palestinian Rocket Fire Continues, 40 Remain Hospitalized after Rocket Attack on Army Base 2007-September-12
24-Year Term for Californian in Terrorism Training Case2007-September-11
IDF Thwarts Planned Tel Aviv Suicide Bombing2007-September-10
Hardline Takeover of British Mosques2007-September-07
IDF Foils Bid to Kidnap Soldier 2007-September-07
Can Iran Be Stopped? 2007-September-07
Sunny Arab Satire Slaps Anti-America Reflex 2007-September-07
How Al-Qaeda "Martyrs" Enter Iraq 2007-September-06
Hamas TV Indoctrinating Children for Holy War 2007-September-06
Grading U.S. Performance Against Terrorism Financing 2007-September-06
Three Arrested in Germany Over Airport Attack Plot2007-September-05
Saudi Arabia: The Islamist Cage2007-August-31
Misinterpreting the Mideast2007-August-27
Terror in Gaza: Two Months Since the Hamas Takeover2007-August-24
A Nuclear-Armed Iran Would Not Be Good2007-August-24
110 Palestinian Rocket Attacks in Two Months2007-August-23
God's Jewish Warriors - CNN's Abomination2007-August-23
Iran and the Hamas Takeover in Gaza2007-August-23
British Civics Class Asks, What Would Muhammad Do?2007-August-22
U.S.: No Strings Attached to New Defense Package for Israel2007-August-17
Hamas Rules: The Talibanization of Gaza2007-August-16
Iranian Revolutionary Guard to Be Labeled "Terrorist"2007-August-15
Palestinian Rocket Fire Continues2007-August-10
Palestinians in Lebanon Expel Saudi Extremists2007-August-09
Gaza Airstrike Foils Terror Attack2007-August-06
Saudi Alms for Jihad2007-August-06
How Hizbullah and Hamas Exploit the Internet in the Battle for Hearts and Minds2007-August-03
Will Palestinian Statehood Solve the Refugee Problem?2007-August-03
Hamas and Islamic Jihad Clash in Gaza2007-August-02
What Academic Values Does the British Boycott Protect?2007-August-02

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