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Israel Responds to Gaza Rocket Fire with Airstrikes2017-December-13
"Mishandled Explosives" Kill 2 Palestinians in Gaza2017-December-13
Iran Preparing for War with Israel from Syria2017-December-12
IDF Bombs Hamas Positions in Gaza after Rocket Attacks2017-December-11
IDF Retaliates after Mortar Fire from Gaza2017-December-01
Jihadist Terror Needs No Excuse2017-December-01
Egypt Is in Trouble in Sinai2017-November-29
Pressure Iran on Regional Terror2017-November-29
Syria Kurds Say U.S. to "Adjust" Weapons Deliveries2017-November-28
Women, Children Seen as "Potential Radicalized Community of Jihadists"2017-November-27
Territories Taken from the Islamic State Should Not Be Surrendered to the Islamic Republic2017-November-23
Al-Qaeda Clearing a Path to Dominance in Southern Syria2017-November-23
The Collapse of the Islamic State: What Comes Next?2017-November-17
Why Islamic Jihad Won't Attack Israel Right Now2017-November-16
IDF Deploys Iron Dome, Raises Alert amid Islamic Jihad Terror Threat2017-November-14
IDF Nabs Top Islamic Jihad Official in West Bank2017-November-14
U.S. Says Russia Agrees to Elimination of Iranian-Backed Militias from Syria2017-November-13
Israeli Army Remains on High Alert Expecting Islamic Jihad Retaliation2017-November-10
Saudi Arabia's "Saturday Night Massacre" Might Play into U.S. Interests 2017-November-09
Moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem: Challenges and Opportunities 2017-November-09
Israel Finds Bodies of Five Islamic Jihad Militants in Israeli Territory2017-November-06
Despite Reconciliation, Fatah Continues Arresting Hamas Operatives in West Bank2017-November-06
Demolition of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad Tunnel Inside Israel 2017-November-06
Palestinian Unity Agreement Will Not Lead to Less Terrorism from Gaza 2017-November-02
ISIS Murders Have Their Genesis in Yasser Arafat2017-November-02
Israel's New Technology to Neutralize Terror Tunnels2017-November-01
7 Terrorists Killed, 11 Wounded in IDF Tunnel Blast 2017-October-31
Germany's Domestic Intelligence Agency Warns of Returning ISIS Sympathizers2017-October-24
Poll Shows Fatah More Popular than Hamas in Gaza2017-October-19
The IDF's "War between Wars" Prevents the Next War2017-October-18
Students for Justice in Palestine, Unmasked2017-October-13
Europe Expects More Terror Attacks, Even as IS Falters 2017-October-11
ISIS Calls on Women to Launch Terror Attacks 2017-October-09
Hamas Seeks to Take Over the Palestinian Authority2017-October-03
Israel's Counter-Terrorism Bureau Warns: Avoid Sinai and Turkey2017-September-13
The Iran Deal Is on Thin Ice, and Rightly So 2017-September-12
EU Anti-Terror Chief: Attacks Will "Likely Happen Again"2017-September-08
French Police Discover Bomb Factory in Paris 2017-September-07
Israel: ISIS Planning Poison Attacks on Shopping Malls2017-September-07
ISIS Agent Told Undercover BBC Reporter to Attack London2017-September-05
U.S. Says Iran Shows "True Colors" by Restoring Hamas Ties 2017-September-01
The Undercurrents Fueling Terrorism2017-August-30
Who Will Block Iranian Advancement in the Middle East?2017-August-25
The Catalonia Terrorist Attacks2017-August-24
French Terrorism Expert Explains What Drives Young Europeans to Jihad 2017-August-24
Was the Barcelona Attack Preventable?2017-August-23
What Europe Can Learn from Israel in Its War Against Terror 2017-August-22
Hamas Is Restoring Its Alliance with Iran 2017-August-18
Exploiting Islam2017-August-18
War in the Arab World Has Devastated the Region's Heritage2017-August-18

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