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Israel Foiled 400 Terrorists in 20162017-March-21
The New Middle East Peace Process 2017-March-17
Former Defense Minister Ya'alon Sees No Final Settlement with Palestinians in Near Future2017-March-16
No Rushing the Peace Process2017-March-09
U.S. Drone Strike in Syria Kills Top Al-Qaeda Leader 2017-February-28
Islamic State Cranking Out Car Bombs for the Battle of Mosul2017-February-27
Palestinian Kids Jump for Jihad at European-Funded Dance Competition2017-February-24
Video: The False Narrative of Iranian Moderation2017-February-24
Anti-Israel Slogans at Tehran Conference in Support of Palestinian Uprising2017-February-22
Islamic State-Linked Group Expands Foothold in Southern Syria near Israel2017-February-21
Hamas-Islamic State Conflict Intensifies in Gaza2017-February-20
The Careful Way to Go After Muslim Brotherhood Radicals 2017-February-14
ISIS Worries about a Hamas-Egypt Detente2017-February-13
U.S. Says It Killed Al-Qaeda Leader in Syria2017-February-09
Israel Uncovers West Bank-Gaza Terror Cash Pipeline 2017-February-09
Israel Eyes Threat of Islamist Takeover of Western Weapons in Arab States2017-February-09
In Syria, Rebels Turn on Each Other2017-February-08
How Assad Is Winning2017-February-08
U.S. Uses Guerrilla Marketing to Peel Off Potential ISIS Recruits2017-February-07
UNRWA Teachers Incite Terrorism and Anti-Semitism2017-February-07
How Do Israel's Tech Firms Do Business in Saudi Arabia? Very Quietly 2017-February-02
Israel: The Eighth Great Power of 20172017-January-30
Appeasing Iran Will Only Give It More Room for Maneuver2017-January-27
ISIS Destroys Part of Palmyra's Roman Theater in Syria2017-January-23
Paris Peace Conference Ignored French Court Ruling on Israeli Settlements2017-January-19
ISIS Activity in Israel 2017-January-16
The Threat of Radical Islamic Terrorism Is the Same in Europe and Israel2017-January-13
Call Off the Paris Conference2017-January-13
ISIS Gains Ground in Gaza 2017-January-11
Why Is France Hosting a Middle East Peace Conference?2017-January-11
Ya'alon: Iran, Not ISIS, Is Israel's Central Enemy 2017-January-05
The Two-State Solution after Kerry's Speech 2017-January-05
Kissinger: U.S. Must Thwart Iranian Expansionism2017-January-03
Report: Disguised as Refugees, ISIS General Is in Europe with 400 Soldiers2017-January-02
UK Security Minister: ISIS Wants to Carry Out Chemical Weapons Attack in Britain2017-January-02
Obama, Kerry Seek Peace for a Middle East that No Longer Exists2016-December-30
The U.S. Encourages the Dreams of the Islamists 2016-December-30
With New Resolution, the UN Drives Stake into Israeli-Palestinian Peace Hopes2016-December-29
Weakened Militarily, ISIS Still Has Power to Sow Deadly Mayhem 2016-December-27
The Role of Hizbullah and Iranian Forces in the Syrian Civil War2016-December-23
Islamist Enclaves in Europe Breed Jihadism2016-December-23
A U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem Won't Hurt the Chances for Peace2016-December-21
Turkish Police Officer Kills Russian Ambassador in Ankara 2016-December-20
How ISIS Returned to Palmyra 2016-December-20
Number of Women Jihadis Is Growing2016-December-20
Golan Heights: From Annexation to Recognition 2016-December-20
UK: Jihadists Are -Hiding in Plain Sight- among Migrants2016-December-16
Ayatollah Khamenei: Israel Won't Exist in 25 Years2016-December-15
Rouhani: No Options Left for Palestinians But Jihad2016-December-14
Photos: Jihadis Celebrate Capture of Russian Base in Palmyra, Syria2016-December-14

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