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Assad Government Returns to Israel's Golan Border2017-December-27
After ISIS Campaign, Iran-Backed Fighters in Iraq Vow to Drive Out U.S. Troops2017-December-26
U.S. Hunts Remaining Pockets of ISIS in Syria 2017-December-26
Jewish Leaders Praise New U.S. Security Strategy that Says Israel Not the Root of Mideast Turmoil2017-December-26
Syrian, Iranian-Backed Forces Advance in Border Area near Israel 2017-December-25
Analysis of the UN Vote on Jerusalem 2017-December-22
Russia Speeds Up Naval Base Expansion in Syria 2017-December-21
Chinese Troops Arrive in Syria to Fight Chinese Muslim Uyghur Rebels2017-December-21
Muslim Migrants Behind Rise in Anti-Semitism2017-December-21
The Growing Risk of an Israel-Iran Confrontation in Syria2017-December-21
Hizbullah's Young Adherents Learn the Ideology of Hate2017-December-20
Assad's Militiafication of Syria2017-December-19
U.S. Defense Secretary: Iran Working to Destabilize Middle East2017-December-18
Why We Aren't Seeing a Third Intifada 2017-December-15
Netanyahu: If Iran Is Not Stopped, It Will Have a Nuclear Arsenal of 100 Bombs2017-December-15
The Chinese Rebuilding of Syria2017-December-15
As ISIS Recedes, U.S. Steps Up Focus on Iran 2017-December-14
Syrians, Gazan Arrested for Firebombing Swedish Synagogue 2017-December-14
U.S. National Security Adviser: Qatar and Turkey Are New Sponsors of Radical Ideology2017-December-13
Can Iran and Its Proxies Be Restrained in Syria? 2017-December-13
ISIS-Inspired Suicide Bomber Strikes New York City 2017-December-12
Iran Preparing for War with Israel from Syria2017-December-12
Iran Seeks to Institutionalize Its Militias in Syria 2017-December-12
Israeli Aid to Syrians: Warm Clothing, Heating Oil, and a Maternity Hospital2017-December-08
In the Arab World, the Rallying Cry of Jerusalem May Have Lost Its Force2017-December-07
Israel May Have Targeted Advanced Missiles for Hizbullah in Syria2017-December-06
Poll: Most Israelis Believe Iran Developing Nuclear Capability to Threaten Israel's Existence2017-December-06
Where Was the Fallout When Russia Recognized Jerusalem as Israel's Capital?2017-December-06
U.S. Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital Is a Positive Step 2017-December-06
McMaster: 80 Percent of Pro-Assad Forces in Syria Are Iranian Proxies2017-December-05
Assad's War Crimes Revealed 2017-December-05
Report: Israel Attacks Military Research Center in Syria2017-December-05
Syria Claims Israeli Strike on Military Base near Damascus 2017-December-04
Israeli Strike in Syria a Signal to Iran and Russia 2017-December-04
U.S. Reassures Israel It Won't Abandon Syria to Iran2017-December-04
Iranian Bases in Syria: Imagine Iranian Jets 200 Km. from Israel 2017-December-04
Iranian Bases in Syria: Dealing with the Problem While It's Still Small2017-December-04
Iran Controls 70,000 Fighters in Syria2017-December-04
Netanyahu: We Will Not Allow the Iranian Regime - that Calls for the Destruction of Israel - to Entrench Itself Militarily in Syria2017-December-04
151 UN States Vote to Disavow Israeli Ties to Jerusalem2017-December-01
Iran Works to Create Facts on the Ground in Syria2017-December-01
Tehran Is Winning the War for Control of the Middle East2017-December-01
The Illusion of Russian Power 2017-December-01
Iran Is Applying the Hizbullah Model to the Middle East2017-November-30
Remembering the Ethnic Cleansing of the Middle East's Jews2017-November-30
Egypt Is in Trouble in Sinai2017-November-29
Iran Demands Syrian Bases2017-November-29
Obstacles Hindering Iran's Expansion in the Middle East2017-November-29
Syria Kurds Say U.S. to "Adjust" Weapons Deliveries2017-November-28
Russian Spy Chief Said to Visit Israel for Briefing on Syria Ceasefire2017-November-28

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