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Israel Inaugurates Embassy in United Arab Emirates2021-July-01
Israeli President Rivlin to PA President Abbas: "We Are Destined to Live Together"2021-July-01
German President Steinmeier: The International Criminal Court Has No Jurisdiction over Israel 2021-July-01
U.S. Should Bypass Palestinian Authority to Provide Aid to Gaza2021-July-01
It's Time Ilhan Omar and "the Squad" Learned the Truth about Israel and Hamas2021-July-01
Israel: Gaza Reconstruction Depends on Progress on Missing Israelis2021-June-28
Why Are Palestinians Protesting Against Abbas? 2021-June-28
Iran and Hizbullah View the 2021 Gaza War2021-June-28
U.S. Pushing PA to Reform Its Payments to Terrorists Policy2021-June-24
At Least 48 Percent of Palestinians Killed during 2021 Gaza War Were Terror Operatives 2021-June-24
Israel Endures - What We Witnessed after Hamas' Rocket Attacks2021-June-24
Abbas Appears Emboldened by Resumption of U.S. Aid, Cracks Down on Rivals 2021-June-24
What's Disproportional Is the Criticism of Israel2021-June-24
Toxic Ideologies Are Conquering American Newsrooms2021-June-24
The Gaza War 2021: An Overview 2021-June-24
Palestinians Call Off Deal to Get 1 Million Vaccines from Israel 2021-June-21
Israel Says Covid-19 Vaccines Rejected by Palestinians Were Safe2021-June-21
Three Countries Ask Israel for Covid Vaccines If Palestinians Nix Deal2021-June-21
Palestinians in Gaza Attack Israel with Wave of Incendiary Balloons2021-June-17
Report: PA Formulates Negotiating Demands2021-June-17
Poll Shows Dramatic Rise in Palestinian Support for Hamas after Gaza Fighting2021-June-17
Lebanese Politician: 1982 Israeli Invasion Solved the Problem of Palestinian Terrorism for Us2021-June-17
The 2021 Gaza War: Hamas' Goals, Strategy, and Miscalculations2021-June-17
Hewlett-Packard Says UK Education Union's Boycott Based on a Lie2021-June-14
800 Harvard Affiliates Sign Letter Rebuking "Anti-Israel Sentiment" on Campus 2021-June-14
How Extremists Undermine the Palestinian Cause 2021-June-14
Blinken Conditions UNRWA Funding on Palestinian Education Reform 2021-June-10
It's Time to Free the Palestinians from Hamas - and Iran2021-June-10
The Abraham Accords Passed Their First Big Test 2021-June-10
There Are Key Moral Differences between Israel and Its Enemies2021-June-10
Stop Comparing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict to the Black Lives Matter Movement2021-June-10
Palestinian Actions Have Made Israel Averse to Territorial Compromise2021-June-07
Most of the Gazans Killed in the First Two Days of the War Were Terrorists2021-June-03
Hamas' War Crimes and Israel's Right to Self-Defense2021-June-03
Israel Has Set a New Standard for the Ethics of War 2021-June-03
America Is Misreading the Situation in the West Bank and Gaza2021-June-03
Trying to Make Israel vs. Hamas about Race Is Nonsensical and Dangerous 2021-June-03
U.S.: Human Rights Council Decision Does Not Contribute to Peace2021-May-31
Poll: U.S. Voters Support Israel, Favor Sending Aid and Weapons2021-May-31
Real Peace Depends on Recognizing Israel's Right to Exist2021-May-31
The Pandemic of Anti-Semitism 2021-May-31
Hamas Changed the Rules of the Gaza Game2021-May-31
As Hamas Fired Rockets, the New York Times Joined the Assault on Israel 2021-May-31
We Cannot, and Should Not, Give Hamas Legitimacy 2021-May-31
World Health Organization Takes Time Out from Covid Pandemic to Condemn Israel2021-May-27
Netanyahu to Blinken: We Oppose Consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem2021-May-27
Rushing to Rebuild Gaza Will Reward Hamas 2021-May-27
Israel vs. Hamas: A "Just War" Analysis 2021-May-27
The Human Rights of Israeli Civilians Are Beyond the Scope of the UN Human Rights Council2021-May-27
The Big Lie: There Is No Ethnic Cleansing Going On in Gaza or the West Bank2021-May-27

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