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Survey: Palestinians Working for Israelis Earn Double Those in the West Bank and Triple Those in Gaza2015-February-27
Boycott Israel Movement Stunts the Palestinian Economy 2015-February-27
Israel Blamed for Opening Non-Existent Dams to Flood Gaza2015-February-25
Poll: 7 in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably2015-February-23
Those Calling for a Boycott of Israel Are Ignoring Some Painful Truths2015-February-20
The Palestinian Victims of the West's Israel Obsession2015-February-19
Why the UN Security Council Can't Solve the Arab-Israel Conflict by Itself2015-February-18
Ya'alon: PA Could Have Returned to Gaza, But Ran Away2015-February-17
Philadelphia City Councilwoman Honors Palestinian Governor - Then Has Regret 2015-February-13
We Palestinians Hold the Key to a Better Future2015-February-13
The Palestinian ICC Gambit and the EU Call for a Return to Negotiations2015-February-12
State of Palestine? Now Is Not the Time, Say Peers2015-February-09
UAE Funnels Funds to Gaza through Abbas Rival Dahlan2015-February-06
Is Iran an Existential Threat to Israel? 2015-February-06
Anti-Semitism in Europe Isn't about Israel 2015-February-05
The Palestinian Authority's International Criminal Court Gambit: A True Partner for Peace?2015-February-05
Israeli, PA Security Forces Cooperate Against Islamic State 2015-February-04
"Hannibal Protocol" Was Not Ordered During 2014 Gaza War2015-February-03
75 Senators Pledge Not to Support Palestinian Aid until U.S. Reviews ICC Bid2015-January-30
Palestinian Boycott of Israel Is Misguided2015-January-30
The Ideological Roots of Media Bias Against Israel2015-January-30
House Lawmakers: Aid to Palestinians at Risk with ICC Bid2015-January-29
Palestinians Attack Gaza UN Compound after Aid Suspended2015-January-29
Islamic State Deepens Grip in Future Palestine 2015-January-29
U.S., Arab League Ask Abbas to Delay New UN Statehood Bid 2015-January-28
Victory of Syriza Party in Greece Is Bad News for Israel2015-January-27
Thousands of West Bank Palestinians Protest Mohammad Cartoon2015-January-27
Poll: Most Palestinians Think Israel Involved in Paris Attacks 2015-January-27
Canada's Foreign Minister: The Way to a Palestinian State Is through Dialogue with Israel2015-January-23
The Unsettling ICC Gambit2015-January-23
Even If the Palestinians Were Granted a State, Anti-Semitism Would Not Dissipate One Iota2015-January-23
International Criminal Court Opens Inquiry into Possible War Crimes in Palestinian Territories: A Response to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon2015-January-22
Is Israeli Concern over the ICC Premature?2015-January-22
ICC Opens Inquiry into Possible War Crimes in Middle East Conflict 2015-January-19
Palestinians Throw Eggs and Shoes at Visiting Canadian Foreign Minister2015-January-19
Netanyahu: ICC Ignores International Law2015-January-19
Palestinians Burn French Flag in Rally against Mohammad Cartoons2015-January-19
Palestinian Move at International Criminal Court Signals a Volatile New Stage2015-January-19
Quartet of Mideast Mediators to Meet on Jan. 262015-January-16
Murder of Jews at Prayer Promoted in Hamas Video2015-January-15
Open Letter to the French President by a Palestinian Journalist in Ramallah2015-January-15
Hamas, Palestinian Authority Step Up Human Rights Violations2015-January-15
Ya'alon: We Want the Palestinians to Act as a Responsible Neighbor 2015-January-14
Obama Reassures Netanyahu on Iran, PA War Crimes Bid2015-January-13
Momentum Grows for Halt to U.S. Funding of Palestinian Authority2015-January-13
With Talks on Ice, Palestinians' Mahmoud Abbas Declares Diplomatic War on Israel 2015-January-12
Most Palestinians Believe Israel Wants to Destroy Al-Aqsa 2015-January-09
Defunding the Palestinians: Israel Stops Protecting Aid to PA on Capitol Hill 2015-January-08
Prevent the Palestinians from Marauding Their Way through the UN2015-January-08
Are Palestinian Offensives Inviting Israeli Reprisals?2015-January-08

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