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2012 Bombing of Syrian National Security Bureau May Have Been an Inside Job2014-December-22
Iran Accelerates Arming of Hizbullah and Hamas2014-December-22
Iran Official to Hamas: We're Willing to Arm West Bank Palestinians Too2014-December-22
Several Islamic State Leaders Killed in Iraq, U.S. Says2014-December-19
ISIS Approaches Israel's Border with Syria 2014-December-19
Palestine and the UN: Another Gambit2014-December-19
Is the Arab World Turning Its Back on the Palestinians?2014-December-19
Behind the Hamas-Iran Rapprochement2014-December-19
Europe Needs an Anti-ISIS Playbook2014-December-19
Ancient Rock Refers to King David 2014-December-19
Israel Calls Palestinian UN Draft a Gimmick2014-December-18
Islamists Rout Syrian Government Troops 2014-December-18
300 Chinese Said Fighting Alongside Islamic State2014-December-17
U.S. Says Europeans Tortured by Assad's Death Machine 2014-December-17
Islamic State Overruns Shiite Militia Position near Samarra in Iraq 2014-December-16
100 Syrian Soldiers Killed as Islamists Capture Military Base2014-December-16
State Dept: U.S.-Backed Rebels Are Never Going to Defeat Assad Militarily2014-December-16
Calls for Legitimizing Iran Weaken Moderate Forces2014-December-15
Arabs on Social Media: CIA Torture Pales in Comparison to Practices in Arab World2014-December-15
Congress Set to Approve $3.7 Billion in Military Aid for Israel, with Emphasis on Anti-Missile Systems2014-December-12
Hizbullah and Iran Keep Syria's Assad in Power2014-December-12
Report: Qatar Allows Money to Flow to Islamic State, Other Terrorists 2014-December-11
U.S.: Anti-Islamic State Coalition at Odds over Syria Strategy2014-December-11
Syrian Al-Qaeda Using Captured UN Vehicles2014-December-11
Attack in Syria "Reveals New Hizbullah Smuggling Route"2014-December-10
Israel Set to Keep Targeting Game-Changing Hizbullah Arms2014-December-10
Three American Teens, Recruited Online, Caught Trying to Join the Islamic State2014-December-09
Report: IDF Struck Two Targets in Syria2014-December-08
Iran Is Playing with Fire2014-December-08
Report: Hizbullah Drones, Anti-Aircraft Missiles Destroyed in Syria2014-December-08
U.S. Options in Syria Shrivel as Islamists and Assad Regime Make Gains2014-December-05
ISIS in Gaza: When One Radical Group Believes Another Is Not Radical Enough 2014-December-05
Rising Discontent within Assad's Power Base 2014-December-05
Yemen Exposes Difficulties in U.S. Strategy to Combat Extremist Militants2014-December-05
The Jew of Nations: The Global Demonization of Israel 2014-December-05
Death of Nazi War Criminal Alois Brunner in Syria Confirmed2014-December-05
Convicted of Being a Jew in Syria 2014-December-05
U.S.-Led Coalition Halting Islamic State Advances, Officials Say2014-December-04
International Red Cross Official: World Holds Israel to Legal Double Standard2014-December-03
Egypt Seeks Russian S-300VM Air Defense System2014-December-03
Hizbullah's Syria Problem2014-December-03
U.S. Weighs Creating a Safe Zone in Syria 2014-December-02
Germany Says 300 Islamic State Supporters Facing Trial2014-December-02
Islamic State Targeting Saudi Arabia 2014-December-02
Zionism Is Not in Decline 2014-December-02
Hizbullah Prepared for the Wrong War2014-December-01
What about the Jewish Nakba?2014-December-01
U.S.-Backed Rebels Push Forward in Southern Syria2014-November-28
ISIS Enlisting Child Soldiers on Massive Scale 2014-November-28
Hamas Embraces the Path of the Islamic State2014-November-28

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