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IDF: In Next War, Hizbullah Will Try to Grab Territory Inside Israel 2015-January-16
A New Phase in the War on Terror: Coordinated Commando Strikes by Homegrown Native-Speaking Islamists Activated and Instructed from Abroad2015-January-16
Islamic State Losing Grip on the Syrian Border Town of Kobani2015-January-15
West Struggles to Halt Flow of Citizens to War Zones2015-January-15
Six Canadians Killed in Syria Fighting with IS 2015-January-15
Winning the Battle, Losing the War2015-January-15
Missile-Manufacturing Firms in Syria Are Built by Iran 2015-January-14
The International Jihadist Movement Has Declared War2015-January-14
France: A Watershed Moment in the Western Battle against Islamic Extremism? 2015-January-14
The Terror Attacks in Paris: A Passing Episode? 2015-January-14
Israeli Arab Who Crossed into Syria Tortured by Assad Security Forces2015-January-13
Assad's Secret: Evidence Points to Syrian Push for Nuclear Weapons2015-January-12
Syrian Rebels: Iranian Officers Spotted Near Site of Reported Nuclear Facility2015-January-12
Europe Has Acquired an Internal Muslim Colony 2015-January-12
France: Paris Terrorist Trained with Al-Qaeda in Yemen2015-January-09
Britain's MI5 Chief Warns Al-Qaeda in Syria Planning Mass Attacks on West2015-January-09
Jihad in Paris2015-January-09
Cracks in the Hizbullah Monopoly over Shiites in Lebanon2015-January-09
U.S. Says Airstrikes Put Islamic State on Defensive2015-January-08
How Oil Price Slump Is Putting a Squeeze on Hizbullah 2015-January-08
Israeli Doctors Implant Titanium Jaw in Wounded Syrian 2015-January-08
Syria: Dozens of Islamist Fighters Killed in Kobani2015-January-07
Islamic State Police Official Beheaded2015-January-07
What about Arab War Crimes Against Palestinians?2015-January-07
The Dream Palace of the Arab2015-January-06
76,000 People Died in Syria's Civil War in 20142015-January-02
Desperate for Soldiers, Assad's Government Imposes Harsh Recruitment Measures 2014-December-31
Iran Is Getting Away with Murder2014-December-31
Can Syria's Moderate, Secular Southern Front Rebels Survive?2014-December-31
Child Soldiers Who Escaped Islamic State Tell of Lessons in Beheading2014-December-30
Israeli Journalist "Horrified" after Interviewing ISIS Fighters 2014-December-30
Military Intelligence Foresees Threats to Israel in 20152014-December-30
ISIS Executed Almost 2,000 People in Syria Over the Past Six Months2014-December-29
Netanyahu: There Is an Iranian Effort to Deepen Terrorism in the West Bank2014-December-29
Islamic State Fighters Are Moving Closer to Israel 2014-December-29
Syrian Rebels Increasingly Joining ISIS2014-December-26
The Islamic State Is Failing at Being a State2014-December-26
Syrian Peace Talks May Take Place in Moscow Next Month2014-December-26
Islamic State Recruits Entire Families2014-December-25
Israel to Halt Gas-Mask Production Due to Decline in Chemical Weapon Threat2014-December-25
Budget Pressure Unlikely to Deflect Iran from Nuclear Goals 2014-December-24
Over 1,000 Islamist Militants Killed in U.S. Strikes in Syria2014-December-24
IS Downs Coalition Plane over Syria, Claims Capture of Jordanian Pilot2014-December-24
U.S. to Accept 10,000 Syrian Refugees2014-December-24
Ya'alon: Israel Looking for New Offensive Tunnels from Gaza 2014-December-24
German Journalist Returns from ISIS with Chilling Stories2014-December-23
Gulf States and Qatar Gloss Over Differences, But Split Still Hampers Them2014-December-23
Iran as an Occupying Force in Syria2014-December-23
Israel Faces Conflict on Multiple Fronts 2014-December-23
Report: ISIS Executed 100 Foreign "Deserters" 2014-December-22

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