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Israeli Daily Reviews New York Times' Israel Coverage 2022-July-14
The U.S. Needs a Better Strategy to Deter Iran2022-July-07
20 Men Convicted in November 2015 Paris Terrorist Attack 2022-July-04
Israeli Strike in Syria Targeted "Game Changing" Iranian Air Defenses2022-July-04
The Escalating Iran-Hizbullah Drone Threat2022-July-04
Israel Expands Operations Against Iranian Nuclear, Military Assets 2022-June-23
Syrian Drug Smuggling: Assad Would Not Survive Loss of Captagon Revenues 2022-June-23
U.S. Secretly Reviews Israel's Plans for Strikes Against Iranian Targets in Syria2022-June-20
U.S. Military Raid in Syria Captures Top ISIS Leader 2022-June-20
Israel Destroyed Several Iranian Arms Convoys in Iraq2022-June-16
If Syria Continues to Let Iranian Weapon Planes Land, It Risks Losing Damascus Airport2022-June-16
Syria Confiscates Children's Kites for "Promoting Homosexuality"2022-June-16
Damascus International Airport Damaged in Airstrike2022-June-13
Arms Smuggling from Ukraine a New Concern for Israel2022-June-09
Egypt's Gas Imports from Israel Hit All-Time High2022-June-09
The Latest U.S. Intelligence Leak: Is America Trying to Curtail Israel's Freedom of Operation?2022-June-06
Israeli Firms and Tourists Are Piling into Morocco2022-June-06
The "War on Drugs" at the Syrian-Jordanian Border2022-June-02
IRGC Colonel's Killing Highlights Israel's Shift in Tactics Against Iran2022-May-26
Assassination of IRGC Officer Reveals Iran's Hollow System 2022-May-23
Is Russia's Withdrawal from Syria an Opportunity for Israel?2022-May-23
Hamas Appeals to Russia for Support in Confrontation with Israel 2022-May-19
Russian S-300 Battery Fires at Israeli Jets over Syria2022-May-19
Israeli Airstrikes Target Ammunition Warehouse and Iranian Militias in Syria2022-May-16
Satellite Images Show Destruction of Syrian Site Hit by Israel2022-May-16
Israel's Watergen Installs Drinking Water Generators in Syria2022-May-16
How Arab Rulers Undermined a Palestinian State 2022-May-04
Russia's Anti-Semitic Attack on Israel Is Shocking and Deliberate 2022-May-04
Educating the Arab and Muslim World about the Holocaust 2022-May-04
Massacre of Nearly 300 in Syria by Assad Regime Revealed2022-May-02
11 Years of War in Syria: Situation Assessment 2022-May-02
In Syria, Iranian Forces Fill Gaps Left by Ukraine-Bound Russians2022-April-28
Iraqi Columnist: Normalization with Israel Is Not Treason2022-April-28
Iran's Hollow Victory2022-April-21
The Iranian Takeover of Lebanon2022-April-21
Jordan's Undeclared War Against Syria Drug Traffickers2022-April-21
Israel Targets Iranian Militias in Syria2022-April-18
Israel Targets Advanced Iranian Weapons in Syria2022-April-18
Iranian Forces Replacing Russians in Syria2022-April-18
Report: Bashar al-Assad's Brother Killed Hizbullah Leaders in Syria2022-April-18
In the Middle East, People Are Realizing Russia's Relative Weakness 2022-April-14
Biden Won't Remove Iran's Revolutionary Guard from Terror List2022-April-11
Israel's Expanding "War between Wars" with Iran 2022-April-11
Report: Israel Targets Iranian Weapons Centers in Syria2022-April-11
Why Is Israel Targeting Scientific Research Centers in Syria?2022-April-11
Lebanon and Syria: A Single Northern Front but with Differences2022-April-07
Israel Concerned over Iranian Takeover of Syrian Golan2022-April-07
Palestinian Issue Overshadowed by Regional Developments2022-March-31
A New Regional Role for Israel, as Washington Steps Back2022-March-31
The U.S. Can't Just Quit the Middle East2022-March-31

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