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Policy Recommendations on the Middle East for the Trump Administration 2016-December-15
Photos: Jihadis Celebrate Capture of Russian Base in Palmyra, Syria2016-December-14
Pro-Assad Forces Execute Dozens of Civilians in Sweep through Rebel-Held Aleppo, Says UN 2016-December-13
ISIS Assaults Syrian T4 Airbase2016-December-13
Video: Israeli Organization Provides Medical Care to Syrians2016-December-13
Chemical Weapons in Syria, Iraq and Beyond 2016-December-13
Netanyahu: There's No Peace Because Palestinians Refuse to Recognize a Jewish State in Any Border2016-December-12
U.S. to Send 200 More Troops to Syria in ISIS Fight2016-December-12
Islamic State Retakes Palmyra in Syria 2016-December-12
Israel Foiled Chemical Weapons Delivery to Hizbullah, Defector Says2016-December-12
Russia Is the New Sheriff in Syria 2016-December-12
Inside the Battle for Mosul2016-December-09
Shaare Zedek: Where Israeli and Arab Doctors Are Working Together to Save Lives2016-December-09
The Aleppo Betrayal 2016-December-09
Iranian-Made Drone Involved in Attack on Turkish Soldiers in Syria 2016-December-08
Defense Minister: Israel Trying to Prevent Hizbullah from Obtaining Sophisticated Weapons 2016-December-08
Defense Minister: Israel Trying to Keep Chemical Arms from Hizbullah 2016-December-08
Israel's Alleged Missile Strike in Syria 2016-December-08
Syria Says It Seized 75 Percent of Eastern Aleppo2016-December-07
Islamic State Claims Over 1,000 Suicide Attacks in 20162016-December-07
Report: Israel Again Strikes Targets in Syria2016-December-07
Syria Rebels Weaken in Aleppo2016-December-06
Egypt and Turkey Soften Positions on Syria, Benefiting Assad2016-December-05
More British Muslims Believe Jews Behind 9/11 Attacks than Al-Qaeda2016-December-05
As Syria Burns, the UN Again Bashes ... Israel2016-December-05
Syrian Rebels in Secret Talks with Moscow to End Aleppo Fighting 2016-December-02
UN Supports Six Anti-Israel Resolutions, Ignores Jewish Ties to Temple Mount2016-December-02
Lieberman: UN Risks Becoming Irrelevant2016-December-02
Syrian Forces Detain Hundreds as Aleppo's Rebel Zones Fall2016-December-01
Report: Israel Attacks Syrian Arms Depot, Hizbullah Arms Convoy2016-November-30
Syrian Assault on Aleppo Gains Momentum 2016-November-29
How the U.S. Targeted ISIS' Second-in-Command 2016-November-29
Netanyahu: Israel Won't Allow ISIS to Open Terror Front on the Golan2016-November-29
IDF: Clash with Terrorists in Syria Not Part of Larger ISIS Push2016-November-29
Israel's Dolphin Submarines2016-November-29
Will Obama Make a Last-Minute Policy Play on Israel and the Palestinians? 2016-November-29
Iran May Seek Naval Bases in Yemen and Syria2016-November-28
Israel Attacks ISIS Military Facility in Syrian Golan2016-November-28
One by One, ISIS Social Media Experts Are Killed 2016-November-25
Report: Russia and Hizbullah -Officially- Working Together in Syria2016-November-25
Status of the Syrian Rebellion2016-November-25
ISIS: Catastrophe for Sunnis2016-November-24
Senior Al-Qaeda Leader in Syria Killed in Airstrike2016-November-24
Jordan's King Abdullah: Muslims Must Unite with Jews, Christians to Beat Islamic State2016-November-24
Hizbullah's Victory March2016-November-24
U.S. OKs Airbus Sale of Over 100 Planes to Iran2016-November-23
Death Toll among Iran's Forces in Syrian War Passes 1,000 2016-November-23
Manpower Problems Deepen in Syria's Army 2016-November-23
Former CIA Director Hayden: U.S. Needs to Push Back Harder on Iran 2016-November-22
ISIS Used Chemical Arms 52 Times in Syria and Iraq2016-November-22

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