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UK Security Minister: ISIS Wants to Carry Out Chemical Weapons Attack in Britain2017-January-02
Israel, Russia Discuss Regional Security Coordination 2017-January-02
Jordan Army Chief Warns: ISIS Fighters on Golan Heights Have Anti-Aircraft Missiles 2017-January-02
John Kerry's Israel Speech Elicits a Shrug in the Arab World2016-December-30
Obama's Attack on Israel 2016-December-30
Obama, Kerry Seek Peace for a Middle East that No Longer Exists2016-December-30
The U.S. Encourages the Dreams of the Islamists 2016-December-30
Iran's Pivotal Role in Aleppo Massacres2016-December-30
Video - Israeli Ambassador: "Israel Is Not Going to Freeze Life Because the Palestinians Have Decided Not to Negotiate Peace" 2016-December-30
Christian Leaders Laud Freedom of Worship in Israel 2016-December-29
With New Resolution, the UN Drives Stake into Israeli-Palestinian Peace Hopes2016-December-29
Dennis Ross Pans Kerry's "All or Nothing" Approach to Israel, Palestinians2016-December-29
Top Democrat Slams Obama's "Parting Shot" at Israel2016-December-28
Britain's Jewish Community Leaders Say Government Should Have Vetoed UN Resolution2016-December-28
Deaths in Syria Spur Unease in Turkey2016-December-27
Dismantling America's Alliances2016-December-25
Video - Israeli Ambassador to the UN: We Overcame Evil Decrees during the Time of the Maccabees and We Will Overcome This Decree Today2016-December-25
Israel Rejects "Shameful" Anti-Israel UN Resolution2016-December-25
Israel Is Ready for a Reset at the UN 2016-December-23
The Role of Hizbullah and Iranian Forces in the Syrian Civil War2016-December-23
Israel: Hizbullah Using U.S. Armored Personnel Carriers Supplied to the Lebanese Army2016-December-22
Israel Claims Suggest Lebanese Violation of U.S. Export Law2016-December-22
UN Security Council to Vote Thursday on Anti-Israel Settlement Resolution2016-December-22
Iran Naval Bases in Syria and Yemen?2016-December-22
Israel Seeks U.S. Recognition of Its Control of the Golan Heights2016-December-22
How Did Israeli Settlements Become a Legally Contentious Issue at the UN?2016-December-22
Iran Is Brutalizing Aleppo2016-December-21
Netanyahu: Israel Seeking to Expand Medical Assistance to Syrian Civilians2016-December-21
Russia's Rise in Mideast Creates Enemies2016-December-21
Russia, Iran and Turkey Meet on Syria, Excluding U.S.2016-December-21
An Existential Battle for the Demographic Future of Syria2016-December-21
How ISIS Returned to Palmyra 2016-December-20
The Challenge for the U.S. in Syria 2016-December-20
U.S. Policy and the Fall of Aleppo 2016-December-20
Golan Heights: From Annexation to Recognition 2016-December-20
UN Secretary-General Says UN Has "Disproportionate" Focus on Israel2016-December-19
Iranian Commander Says After Aleppo It Is Bahrain and Yemen's Turn2016-December-19
Director of Israel's Mossad Meets with Trump Team2016-December-19
Israeli Fund Drive Aids Syrian Children2016-December-19
Is Iran 100 Times Worse than Israel? 2016-December-19
Aleppo: Reflection of World Politics2016-December-19
Kerry: Situation in Aleppo -Nothing Short of a Massacre-2016-December-16
Israel Has Wary Eye on Iran after Syrian Rebels Lose Aleppo 2016-December-16
Iranian Officers Killed in Palmyra 2016-December-16
Defense Minister: Israel's Interest Is a Syria Without Assad or the Iranians 2016-December-16
Israel to Double Water Supply to Jordan 2016-December-16
The Battle for Aleppo, Syria's Stalingrad, Ends2016-December-16
Coalition Drone Strike Kills IS Figures in Syria with Paris Attack Ties2016-December-15
The Syrian War Won't End in Aleppo2016-December-15
The Jihadi Threat: ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Beyond 2016-December-15

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