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Mubarak Pushes Regional Peace Initiative in Kuwait2004-December-08
Sharon: Talks Possible When Syria Stops Supporting Terror2004-December-03
Syrian Mosques Sending Fighters to Iraq2004-December-02
Pressure Works2004-December-02
Israel: Syria's Assad is No Sadat2004-December-02
The Islamization of Europe?2004-December-02
Jordan and Syria Agree on Redrawing Border2004-November-26
My Nation of Heroes, My Chosen People2004-November-26
Israel Downplays Reported Peace Overture from Syria 2004-November-25
Getting Iraq's Election Right2004-November-25
EU Support for Assad Bolsters Syrian Dictatorship2004-November-25
Syria Urged to Release Political Prisoners2004-November-19
Syria Finances Insurgency War Against U.S. 2004-November-18
U.S. to Continue Pressure on Damascus over Lebanon2004-November-18
Hizballah Should Know When to Stop2004-November-18
Syria "Colluding" with U.S. Enemies - Edward T. Pound (U.S. News)2004-November-17
The Navy is Well Prepared2004-November-17
Out of the Barrel of a Gun2004-November-17
These People Deserve a State? 2004-November-17
Israel Fears Extremists Backed by Iran May Try to Kill Abbas2004-November-16
Egypt Needs a President, Not a Latter-Day Pharaoh2004-November-12
Israel as the Promised Land2004-November-12
Report: Foreign Submarine Entered Israeli Waters 2004-November-12
The Fight for Arafat's Fortune Begins2004-November-08
Iraq Displays Foreign Terrorists2004-November-08
An Arab "Martyr" Thwarted2004-November-02
Iraq Prime Minister Allawi Identifies Nationalities of Foreign Insurgents in Iraq2004-November-01
Satellite Photos Document Removal of Iraqi Weapons to Syria 2004-October-29
Syria's Cult of the Dead Still Rules the Living2004-October-29
U.S. Congressmen Urge Sanctions on Lebanon2004-October-29
Russia Tied to Iraq's Missing Arms2004-October-28
Syrian Named as Mastermind of Madrid Attacks2004-October-27
American Forces Battle Insurgents on Syria-Iraq Border2004-October-26
Saddam's Business Deals Favored Russians, Saudis2004-October-25
Syria to UN: Drop Dead Again 2004-October-25
Officials Fear Iraq's Lure for Muslims in Europe 2004-October-25
Germans Grab Syrian Linked to Al-Qaeda2004-October-22
Israel Cultivates Nobel Laureates, Arabs Cultivate Suicide Bombers2004-October-22
U.S. Intelligence Estimates See Enlarged Iraq Insurgency Funded Through Saudi Arabia and Syria2004-October-22
Syria Praises American Presbyterian Church2004-October-21
Lebanese Leader Quits over Syria's Role2004-October-21
Syria Unsanctioned2004-October-21
EU and Syria Initial Association Pact2004-October-20
Israel Slams Syrian Deal with EU2004-October-20
Syria Urged to Get Troops Out of Lebanon2004-October-20
Former Saddam Aide Directs Iraqi Insurgency from Syria2004-October-19
U.S. Official Warns Syria Over Lebanon Troop Pullout2004-October-19
Karine A Captain Sentenced to 25 Years2004-October-19
Defense Minister: IDF Deployed to Combat Rockets 2004-October-18
Saddam Bankrolled Palestinian Terrorists 2004-October-15

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