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Syria Protests U.S. Raid to UN, Closes American School and Cultural Center 2008-October-29
Economic Slowdown Reverberates in Middle East2008-October-29
Sleepless in Tehran 2008-October-29
Unsafe Havens: Making Life More Difficult for Terrorists 2008-October-29
Israel's Current Strategic Environment 2008-October-29
U.S.: Syria Raid Killed Terrorist Leader 2008-October-28
U.S. Resupplies Lebanon Military to Stabilize Ally 2008-October-28
Syria Hosts Anti-Israel Boycott Parley 2008-October-28
Texas Company Fined for Complying with Arab Boycott 2008-October-28
After Sponsoring Terrorism Against Its Neighbors, Syria Plays the Victim When Its Own Border Is Breached 2008-October-28
Hitting Syria, Five Years Late 2008-October-28
Israel to UNIFIL: Hizbullah Arms Smuggling Violates UN Resolution 17012008-October-27
Military Intelligence: Syria-Hizbullah Ties Growing Stronger 2008-October-27
Military Intelligence: Assad Trusts Hizbullah More than His Own Army 2008-October-27
A Warning Syria's President Assad Must Heed 2008-October-27
U.S. Forces Attack Syrian Village Near Iraq Border 2008-October-27
Failure to Disarm Hizbullah Makes Future Violence Inevitable 2008-October-24
UN Resolution 1701: A View from the U.S. 2008-October-23
Saudis Resurrect a Rival for Hizbullah 2008-October-22
UN Chief Says Hizbullah a Threat to Mideast Security 2008-October-17
Damascus Should Not Be Rewarded for Its "Nuanced" Position on Islamist Terrorism 2008-October-17
Russia Shields Syria 2008-October-17
Report: Russia Suspected of Secretly Delivering Weapons to Hizbullah2008-October-16
Hothouse of Tension in Lebanon2008-October-16
Syria and Lebanon: An Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove2008-October-16
Arab Regimes Are Failing2008-October-16
Syria Establishes Diplomatic Relations with Lebanon 2008-October-15
The Failing Markets' Impact on Diplomacy 2008-October-13
Russia Indicates No S-300 Anti-Aircraft Missiles for Iran 2008-October-10
China to Explore for Oil in Syria 2008-October-10
Saudi-Syrian Relations Worsen 2008-October-10
Islamic Leaders Seek to End Jewish Sovereignty in Israel 2008-October-10
Prime Minister Concludes Visit to Russia 2008-October-08
Arab World Marks '73 War Anniversary 2008-October-08
Israel Accuses North Korea of Mideast Proliferation 2008-October-06
Syria Rebuffs Nuclear Inspectors 2008-October-06
Israeli General Warns Hizbullah 2008-October-06
U.S. Considering Changing Policy towards Syria 2008-October-06
Syrian Officer Involved in Hariri Death Killed in Damascus Car Bomb 2008-October-06
Iran Urges Officials to Keep Out of Syria 2008-October-03
Disproportionate Force: Israel's Concept of Response in Light of the Second Lebanon War 2008-October-03
Why Syria Will Keep Provoking Israel 2008-October-03
U.S.-Syria Talks May Be Step toward Thaw2008-October-02
Syria Massing Troops on Lebanon Border 2008-October-02
Assad: Iran-Syria Ties to Continue 2008-October-02
Iran Drops IAEA Seat Bid to Back Syria 2008-October-02
Report: Syria Restarted Its Nuclear Program 2008-October-02
Talk Isn't Cheap with Iran 2008-October-02
Car Bomb Kills 17 in Damascus 2008-September-29
Damascus Bombing a Blow Against Syrian Intelligence 2008-September-29

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