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Turkey: Syria to Swap Prisoners for Rebel-Held Iranians2013-January-09
Netanyahu Discusses Israel-U.S. Cooperation on Syria with U.S. Lawmakers2013-January-09
Arab Spring's Side Effects: Threats Against Israel2013-January-09
Jabhat al-Nusra, a Leading Islamist Group Fighting Assad in Syria2013-January-09
Hints of Syrian Chemical Push Set Off Global Effort to Stop It2013-January-08
Netanyahu: Iran Is Greatest World Danger, Not Settlements2013-January-08
Report: Hizbullah Sent 5,000 Fighters to Help Assad2013-January-08
The Enduring Egypt-Iran Divide2013-January-08
The Key to Peace: Selling the Two-State Solution in Palestine2013-January-08
Wading into the Middle East Morass2013-January-07
Assad Vows to Fight On, Rejects Peace Efforts2013-January-07
Egypt's Morsi Backs Calls for Assad to Face War Crimes Trial2013-January-07
Israel to Fortify Border Fence with Syria to Protect Against Jihadists2013-January-07
Report: Al-Qaeda Affiliate Leading Syrian Rebels' Fight for Key Damascus Area2013-January-04
Iran Spy Network 30,000 Strong2013-January-04
UN Says More than 60,000 Dead in Syrian Civil War 2013-January-03
Report: Syria and Hizbullah Won't Join the Fight If Israel Strikes Iran2013-January-03
Clashes Shut Down Aleppo Airport in Syria2013-January-02
Israel Presses Case for EU Ban on Hizbullah 2013-January-02
Syria Isn't America's Fault2013-January-02
Gaining a Clearer View of the Syrian Civil War 2013-January-02
Iran May Be Reconsidering Position on Syria2013-January-01
Hizbullah Partners with Mexican Drug Cartels2013-January-01
Arab-Israeli Soldier Hides His Uniform from Neighbors2013-January-01
Iran Wakes to New Syrian Reality2013-January-01
The Year the Arab Spring Went Bad2013-January-01
400 Killed in Single Day in Syrian Civil War2012-December-31
Russia Says Syria's Assad Won't Resign2012-December-31
Assad Isolated, Fearful as Regime Faces Collapse 2012-December-31
Western Intelligence Sources Confirm Syria's Use of Paralyzing Chemical Agents2012-December-31
Syrian Moderates Fear Being Edged Out of Uprising 2012-December-28
Alawite Cleric: Assad Duped Us into Sectarian War2012-December-28
Battle for Aleppo Shows Weaknesses of Both Sides2012-December-28
How to Secure Israel's Future2012-December-28
Syrian General Whose Task Was Halting Defections Flees2012-December-27
Israel Builds New Fence along Syria Border2012-December-27
Northern Lebanon Another Frontline in Syria's War2012-December-27
Netanyahu Met with Jordan King Abdullah for Talks on Syria Chemical Weapons2012-December-27
The Syrian Islamist Militia Jabhat al-Nusra 2012-December-27
Syria: Has the Assad Regime Reached the Terminal Phase? 2012-December-27
Diplomat: Assad Is "Totally Aware" that He Must Leave 2012-December-26
Is the End Near in Damascus? 2012-December-26
How Iran Arms Its Allies 2012-December-26
Israel Remains an Island of Stability among Hostile Islamist Movements2012-December-26
Syria Peace Envoy's Visit Yields No Progress2012-December-25
U.S.-Russia Reach Agreement on Assad Ouster: Opposition Sources2012-December-25
Syrian Rebels Report 18 Cases of Chemical Attacks2012-December-25
Russia Won't Host Syria's Assad, Foreign Minister Says2012-December-24
Report: Poison Gas Kills 7 in Homs2012-December-24
Will Syria's Dwindling Reserves Bring Down the Regime?2012-December-24

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