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Hamas Says IAF Airstrike Kills 7 Militants in Gaza2014-July-07
Palestinians in Gaza Fire 45 Rockets at Israel2014-July-04
Sderot Family: It's a Miracle that We Were Saved 2014-July-04
Deport the Heads of Hamas2014-July-04
Washington's Response to the West Bank Murders 2014-July-04
Gaza Rocket Salvo Hits Israeli City of Sderot2014-July-03
In Middle East, Concerns about Islamic Extremism on the Rise2014-July-02
Reinstatement of PA Civil Servants Threatens Unity Government2014-July-02
Netanyahu: Hamas Is Responsible. Hamas Will Pay2014-July-02
UN Experts Trace Recent Seized Arms to Iran, Violating Embargo2014-July-01
Israel: Seized Arms Were Gaza-Bound 2014-July-01
Hamas Behind Rocket Barrage on Israel2014-July-01
Responding to Palestinian Rocket Fire, Israel Air Force Strikes 34 Targets in Gaza 2014-July-01
Hamas Still Believes in the Effectiveness of Kidnapping2014-July-01
Netanyahu Says Security Control of West Bank Is Vital in Any Accord2014-June-30
Gaza Rocket Ignites Sderot Plastics Factory2014-June-30
Israel Air Force Strikes Gaza Terrorists Ready to Fire 2014-June-30
Ramadan in Gaza2014-June-30
ISIS Flags Seen in Gaza2014-June-30
Egypt Arrests 15 ISIS Militants in Sinai2014-June-30
House Increases Funding for Israel's Missile Defense2014-June-27
If Israeli Jews Were the Weaker of the Two Peoples2014-June-27
Issue of Pay for Two Sets of Workers Tugs at Palestinian Unity Pact2014-June-26
60 Percent of Palestinians Say Goal Is Reclaiming All of Historic Palestine 2014-June-26
Hamas Arrests Terror Cell Responsible for Rocket Fire on Israel 2014-June-26
Kidnapped Israeli Teens Compel Scrutiny of Hamas' International Finances2014-June-25
Young Islamists Admire ISIS for Its Brutality2014-June-25
Gaza Rocket Misfires, Kills Palestinian Girl2014-June-25
Armed Gazan Terrorist Caught after Infiltrating into Israel 2014-June-24
Israeli Rescue Operation Morphs into Strategic "Cleansing" of Hamas in West Bank 2014-June-20
It's Time to Demilitarize the West Bank and Gaza2014-June-20
Ex-Islamic Jihad Leader Launches New Armed Group in Gaza2014-June-19
Gazans Accept that Hamas Was Involved in the Kidnapping and Brace for Israeli Response2014-June-19
Palestinian Rocket Hits Home in Kibbutz, Israel Air Force Strikes Gaza in Response2014-June-19
West Bank Operation Delivers a Strategic Blow to Hamas 2014-June-18
Demographic Upheaval: How the Syrian War is Reshaping the Region2014-June-18
IDF Scours the West Bank for Kidnapped Teens2014-June-17
Israel Summons EU Envoy over "Blatantly One-Sided" Declaration2014-June-17
Hamas to Palestinians: Erase Your Security Camera Footage 2014-June-16
Abbas' Wife Undergoes Surgery in Israel2014-June-16
Even After Unity Deal, Hamas Still Runs Failing Gaza 2014-June-16
Jihadist Advances in Iraq Send Shock Waves through Mideast2014-June-13
World Must Oppose Hamas-Backed Government2014-June-13
ISIS Threatens to Invade Jordan, "Slaughter" King Abdullah2014-June-12
Israel, U.S. Call on Abbas to Act Against Rocket Fire2014-June-12
Gaza Terrorist Killed in Airstrike2014-June-12
IDF: Gaza Terrorists Have Hundreds of Rockets Aimed at Tel Aviv2014-June-11
Israel Seeks Return of PA Forces to Gaza, Dismantling of Hamas Military Arm 2014-June-11
Dangerous Unity: The Perils of the New Fatah-Hamas Government2014-June-11
Ya'alon: Land for Peace Paradigm Has Brought only Terror and Rockets2014-June-10

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