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Hizbullah Attacking al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels in Syria 2013-October-21
Assad Is Still in Control2013-October-21
Why Jordan Relies on Israel to Secure the Jordan Valley2013-October-21
Rebels Kill Top Syrian Intelligence Chief 2013-October-18
With Iran, Talk But Verify 2013-October-18
Hamas Seeks to Restore Relations with Iran 2013-October-18
The Legacy of the Yom Kippur War - 40 Years Later 2013-October-18
Disposal of Chemical Arms in Syria Progresses2013-October-17
Netanyahu: Iran the Main Obstacle to Peace with Palestinians 2013-October-17
Israel, Arab States Work Together to Battle Iran's Nuclear Plan2013-October-17
In Syria: The Bad Against the Bad 2013-October-17
No One in Israel Would Prefer Assad to Jihadists2013-October-17
New Video: Why Israel Opposes International Forces in the Jordan Valley2013-October-17
U.S. Concerned as Turkey Selects Sanctioned Chinese Firm for Missile Defense System2013-October-16
Jihadists See Syria Insurgency as the Road to Jerusalem2013-October-16
Muslim Brotherhood in Retreat2013-October-15
Al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels Killed 190 Syrian Civilians in August Attack2013-October-11
Video of "Hizbullah Killing" Sparks Outrage2013-October-11
Saudis Brace for "Nightmare" of U.S.-Iran Rapprochement2013-October-11
Israel's Final Warning on Iran2013-October-11
Why Obama, UN Can't Fully Trust Assad on Chemical Weapons in Syria 2013-October-11
Al-Qaeda's Syrian Strategy2013-October-11
Can Anyone Stop the Radicalization of Syrian Rebels? 2013-October-11
All Against All in Syria2013-October-11
The Rise and Fall of the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood 2013-October-11
The Excitement of Being a Martyr for Allah2013-October-11
IDF Responds to Syrian Mortar Fire 2013-October-10
Islamic Movement in Israel Warns of "Israeli Plan to Destroy Al-Aksa Mosque"2013-October-10
Hamas and Hizbullah Face Reform or Collapse 2013-October-09
Nuclear Deal with Iran Possible, But Not Normal Ties with U.S.2013-October-09
Syria: The Next Breeding Ground for Global Jihad 2013-October-09
Report: Syria to Station Aircraft in Iran2013-October-08
How Not to Negotiate with Iran2013-October-08
Weapons Inspectors Begin Destroying Syrian Chemical Stockpile and Machinery 2013-October-07
Syria Keeps Moving in the Islamic Direction2013-October-04
What Abbas Missed in His UN Speech2013-October-04
Syria's Disneyland for Jihadists2013-October-04
The IDF Shines2013-October-04
CIA Ramping Up Covert Training Program for Moderate Syrian Rebels 2013-October-03
Netanyahu: Bad Press Better than Good Eulogy2013-October-03
America Mustn't Be Naive about Iran 2013-October-03
Defected Syrian General: Assad Will Never Give Up Chemical Stockpile2013-October-02
Russia Seeks to Fill Vacuum in the Middle East2013-October-02
Netanyahu Meets with Top U.S. Officials on Iran2013-October-02
Syrian Chemical Disclosure Falls Short of U.S. Count2013-September-30
Israelis Send Aid and Clothing to Syrian Refugees2013-September-30
Al-Nusra Front Forging Al-Qaeda Base in Syria2013-September-30
U.S., Russia Agree on Syria UN Chemical Arms Measure2013-September-27
Most of Syria's Toxins Can Be Destroyed More Easily than Initially Thought 2013-September-27
Largest Syrian Rebel Groups Reject Moderate Leadership 2013-September-27

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