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Israeli Arabs Seem to Think Israelis and Palestinians Can Live Side by Side

(Daily Express-UK) Frederick Forsyth - There are one and a half million Palestinian Arabs who are citizens of Israel. If their plight is so appalling, they could jump in the car and in an hour be over the border into Gaza to live under Hamas. In the same time they could be in the West Bank, living under the PLO government. But they stay put. Why? Well, it seems they have a better life and are well aware of it. They have better homes and jobs, better hospitals for their aged and better schools for their kids. They have better social security. If they get into trouble with the law on a civil matter they have a better chance of a fair trial and an unpurchased judge, rather than a kangaroo court and a mediaeval punishment. One and a half million Arabs seem to think Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side.
2015-03-24 00:00:00
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