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Iranian Terrorism

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IDF Chief of Staff: Islamists Are Rising 2006-June-01
U.S. Urges Financial Sanctions on Iran2006-May-29
Bush: Hamas Has "One Foot in the Camp of Terror"2006-May-05
U.S.: Hamas, Iran Rekindling Hatred of Jews2006-April-28
PA Purchased Weapons with Israeli and Foreign Aid2006-April-18
The Pentagon Preps for Iran2006-April-17
How to Stop Iran (Without Firing a Shot) 2006-April-16
Growing Iran-Syria Ties2006-March-21
A Memo to the New Hamas Prime Minister2006-March-13
Iran Military Options Open2006-March-10
United States Policy toward Iran: Next Steps2006-March-09
Iran Wants to Turn Hamas into Hizballah2006-February-27
Rice to Hamas: "In Order to Receive International Assistance You Have to Be Committed to Nonviolence" 2006-February-06
Bush: "Hamas Must Recognize Israel, Disarm, Reject Terrorism"2006-February-01
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez Veers into Anti-Semitism2006-January-18
Military Intelligence: "2006 - A Year of Escalation" -2006-January-02
Fearing Iraq's Instability, Jordan Seeks Its Unity 2005-December-28
An Iranian Lie2005-December-22
Obsessive Anti-Semitism2005-December-20
No Holocaust Repeat, Israel Tells Iran2005-December-14
Why is Little Israel Being Left to Fight the World's War? 2005-December-13
Domestic Threats to Iranian Stability: Khuzistan and Baluchistan2005-November-11
Ahmadinejad Calls for Israel's Elimination and Declares War on the West: A Case Study of Incitement to Genocide2005-November-10
What If Iran Gets the Bomb? The Iranian Challenge to the West2005-September-29
Iran Seeks Syrian Help to Counter Western Pressure2005-August-08
The Enigma of Damascus 2005-July-15
The BBC Discovers "Terrorism," Briefly2005-July-12
Washington Must Plan Today for Democratic Iran of Tomorrow2005-July-08
A Pro-Israel Lobby and an FBI Sting2005-June-30
The Putin-Sharon Meeting2005-April-29
Prime Minister Reports to Israeli Cabinet on U.S.2005-April-18
The Hizballah Conundrum2005-April-08
The Hizballah Conundrum2005-April-08
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Is Controlled by Iran - Interview with Martin Indyk2005-March-04
Syria, Lebanon, and Terrorism2005-February-24
The Iranian Nuclear Challenge - Time to Get Serious 2005-January-27
To Retain Credibility, UN Must Insist Syria Behave2005-January-07
Syrian Frontier Becomes Frontline in Iraqi Conflict2004-December-21
Nuclear Iran an Extreme Threat to U.S.2004-December-06
The Impact of the War in Iraq on Islamist Groups and the Culture of Global Jihad 2004-September-24
Making Terrorists Pay - and Pay 2004-September-03
U.S. Needs New Way of Dealing with Iran2004-July-30
Who's Right on the War on Terrorism? The 9/11 Commission, the U.S. Senate Assessment of Prewar Intelligence, and the British Butler Committee2004-July-26
Iran's Mushrooming Threat 2004-June-17
Tehran's Tentacles of Terror2004-May-28
War on Terror: Time to Get Tough - David Frum and Richard Perle2004-January-30
Iran's Threat to Coalition Forces in Iraq 2004-January-27
Iranian Futures 2004-January-01
Iran Made Great Gains from America's "War on Terrorism"2003-December-25
Perle: Iran "Up to Eyeballs" in Terror2003-November-07

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