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Egyptian Government Daily: Hamas, Syria, Iran - The New Axis of Evil2009-January-13
IDF Pushes into Gaza City, Hamas Seeking Cease-Fire2009-January-12
Iran Warns Hamas Not to Accept Egyptian Truce Proposal2009-January-12
Report: Hamas to Turn Down Egyptian Cease-Fire Proposal2009-January-12
If Hamas Is the Victim, Why Is Ramallah So Quiet?2009-January-12
A Gaza War Full of Traps and Trickery 2009-January-11
Hamas Rejects Diplomatic Initiatives 2009-January-11
U.S. Abstains on UN Vote, Awaiting Egyptian Mediation Efforts2009-January-09
We Have to Defend Ourselves From the Terrorists Who Have Taken the Palestinian People Hostage2009-January-09
U.S.-Funded Program Fails to Stop Tunnel Smuggling2009-January-08
IDF Focuses on Philadelphi Corridor at Gaza-Egypt Border2009-January-08
Israeli Cabinet: Gaza Operation to Continue2009-January-08
Hamas Will Not Agree to Stop Weapons Smuggling in Cease-Fire Deal2009-January-08
Egyptian Film Star: Hamas Is to Blame2009-January-08
Iran's Hamas Strategy2009-January-08
Gaza Cease-Fire Options Weighed2009-January-07
A Different Kind of Gaza Cease-Fire 2009-January-07
Arab Leaders Weather Gaza Storm with Ease 2009-January-07
Mideast Peace Rests with Arabs, Not U.S., Europe2009-January-07
Implications of the Gaza Conflict 2009-January-07
Iran's Postmodern Beast in Gaza2009-January-07
U.S. Wants Gaza Deal on Rockets, Tunnels, Crossing Points 2009-January-06
Egypt's Mubarak to EU: Hamas Must Not Be Allowed to Win in Gaza 2009-January-06
Video: The Importance of an Israeli Victory Against Hamas for the West2009-January-06
Israel's Gaza Surge2009-January-06
Bush: "We Seek Security and Peace for Our Allies, the Free People of Israel"2009-January-04
International Community Giving Israel Time to Weaken Hamas 2009-January-04
In Gaza, the Real Enemy is Iran2009-January-04
Hamas Rockets Block the Birth of a Palestinian State2009-January-04
Egypt: Hamas Must Stop Rocket Fire at Israel2009-January-02
Egypt Hunting Hamas Operatives in Sinai 2009-January-02
Moral Clarity in Gaza2009-January-02
Israel Must Not Negotiate with Hamas2009-January-02
Impact of the Gaza Conflict on Palestinian Politics2009-January-02
The Already-Strained Hamas-Egypt Relationship Sours 2009-January-02
Why Israel Is Bombing Gaza2009-January-01
Hard Truths About the Gaza Conflict 2009-January-01
Bush Calls Arab Leaders Over Gaza2008-December-31
Egypt: Gaza Border to Stay Shut Until Abbas Back in Power2008-December-31
Israel Rejects French Proposal for 48-Hour Gaza Truce 2008-December-31
Israeli Security Chief: Hamas Has Been Hit Like Never Before2008-December-31
Egypt Lashes Back at Hizbullah2008-December-30
Why Israel Feels Threatened 2008-December-30
Fighting and Defeating Hamas2008-December-30
Egypt Police Repel Palestinians on Tense Gaza Border2008-December-29
Egyptian Border Guard Killed by Hamas2008-December-29
Air Force Hits Explosives Laboratories at Islamic University in Gaza2008-December-29
Key Arab States Hope for Weakened Hamas2008-December-29
Egypt: Hamas Responsible for Israeli Response2008-December-28
Egypt: Hamas Denying Gaza Wounded Treatment in Egypt2008-December-28

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