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$100 a Barrel: Rising Oil Prices Create New Regional Order 2008-January-11
Former Jihadist Backs Alternate Islam2008-January-11
Seeds of Hate - "Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11" by Matthias Kuntzel 2008-January-11
Bush Visit Seeks to Counter Iran2008-January-10
The Reality on the Ground in the Palestinian Authority2008-January-10
Rice: No Choice But to Isolate Hamas2008-January-09
PA Rejects International Troops in West Bank2008-January-09
Dubya's Real Mideast Agenda2008-January-09
Israel Warns of Iranian Missile Peril for Europe2008-January-08
Bedouin Attack Egyptian Guards Near Crossing with Israel 2008-January-08
Egypt to Bolster Gaza Border2008-January-07
Report: Israel Seeks to Regain Control of Egypt-Gaza Border Crossing at Rafah2008-January-07
What Palestinians Will Do with $7.4 Billion - 70% to Pay Public Salaries2008-January-07
The Bush Visit and Tensions in the U.S.-Israel Relationship2008-January-07
Israel Seeking to Reach Security Understandings with U.S. 2008-January-04
Egypt Ignores Agreement, Lets Hamas Men into Gaza 2008-January-04
The Smuggling Crisis 2008-January-04
The Unholy Return of the Palestinian Pilgrims 2008-January-03
Egypt Permits Palestinians into Gaza Without Promised Security Screening 2008-January-03
Some Gazans Return from Egypt via Israel2008-January-02
Israeli Official: Egypt Has Been Working Against Us Diplomatically for Years2008-January-02
Cease-Fire with Hamas in Gaza Is No Solution 2008-January-02
Egypt Warns Israel of Diplomatic Reprisals2008-January-01
Egypt-U.S. Relations: Military Aid 2007-December-31
Iran, France Offers Egypt Cooperation on Nuclear Program 2007-December-31
Gaza Palestinians Returning from Mecca to Undergo Egyptian Security Check2007-December-31
Gaza Palestinians on Haj Refuse to Return via Israel2007-December-31
Iranian Official Visits Egypt to Probe Normalizing Relations2007-December-28
Egypt's Mubarak Says Israel Faked Smuggling Evidence2007-December-28
The Jihadis Hit Pakistan2007-December-28
Tunnel Vision Keeps Gaza Goods Flowing 2007-December-28
U.S. Lawmakers: Egypt Aid May Hinge on Gaza Border2007-December-27
Barak Meets Mubarak in Egypt 2007-December-27
Egypt Vows to End Weapons Smuggling2007-December-27
Treading Water after Annapolis2007-December-27
Israeli Defense Minister Meets Egyptian President in Egypt 2007-December-26
More Tapes Showing Egyptian Complicity in Gaza Smuggling 2007-December-26
Barak to Confront Mubarak with Gaza Smuggling Evidence2007-December-26
Israel Says Egypt Doing "Terrible" Job on Gaza Border2007-December-25
One Kassam Rocket Too Many2007-December-21
Israeli Diplomat: Toppling Hamas Needed to Forward Peace2007-December-21
Videotapes of Egyptians Helping Hamas Not Shown to Congress2007-December-21
Senior Qaeda Theologian Urges Followers to End Jihad 2007-December-21
Egyptian College Students Flock to Learn Hebrew2007-December-20
President Bush to Travel to Middle East2007-December-19
Weapons Smuggling from Egypt to Gaza: What Can Egypt and Israel Do?2007-December-19
U.S. Security Envoy in Israel for Talks 2007-December-19
Donors Pledge $7.4 Billion for Palestinians2007-December-18
Israel Has Video of Egypt Helping Hamas Terrorists Cross Gaza Border2007-December-18
U.S. May Help Egypt Build Barrier to Block Arms Smuggling to Gaza2007-December-17

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