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Israel Calls on UN Security Council to Condemn Islamic Jihad for War Crimes 2022-August-11
A Memorable Israeli Victory 2022-August-11
Israel Surprised the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza2022-August-08
IDF Targets Islamic Jihad Leaders2022-August-07
U.S. "Fully Supports" Israel amid Gaza Escalation 2022-August-07
Disrupting Palestinian Islamic Jihad a Smart Play by Israel 2022-August-07
UN Forces in Lebanon Losing Ground2022-August-07
Israel Deals a Painful Blow to Islamic Jihad2022-August-04
How IDF Is Curbing Palestinian Terrorist Activity in West Bank 2022-August-04
Sunni Arab Leaders Are No Longer Willing to Wait for the Palestinians 2022-August-04
Hizbullah Is Calling the Shots on Israel-Lebanon Maritime Border Dispute 2022-August-04
Israel to Withhold $176 Million from PA over Its Payments to Terrorists2022-August-01
IDF Operating in Nablus after PA Failed to Keep Terror in Check2022-July-28
The Achievements of Israel's Shadow Campaign in Syria2022-July-28
The "Jews Are Defiling Al Aqsa" Narrative Is Inciting Anti-Semitism 2022-July-28
Israel Is Preparing to Prevent a Nuclear Iran 2022-July-25
PA Losing Control of Northern West Bank to Fatah and Islamic Jihad Gunmen2022-July-25
Iran Takes Putin's Side in Ukraine War2022-July-25
Former IDF Military Intelligence Chief: We Don't Need a Middle East NATO 2022-July-25
Israeli Attacks Feed Distrust and Fear in Iran2022-July-21
Israel Breaks Up Palestinian Terror Network in West Bank 2022-July-21
Where Were Palestinian Police during Shooting of Al Jazeera Journalist? 2022-July-21
The Dangers of a Terrorist-Controlled West Bank2022-July-21
Israeli Action Is More Important than Biden's Words2022-July-18
Israel's National Security Adviser: We Are Not Afraid to Differ with U.S. on Iran2022-July-18
Biden: As Long as We're the United States, Israel Will Never Be Alone2022-July-18
As Defense Ties with Arab Countries Strengthen, Israel to Sell Drones and Anti-Drone Systems to Bahrain2022-July-14
Twenty-Year Scars of the Second Intifada 2022-July-07
Dutch MEPs: International Law Must Be Applied Consistently, including When It Concerns Israel2022-July-07
The U.S. Needs a Better Strategy to Deter Iran2022-July-07
Israel Weighs Options for Confronting Iran in Event of Nuclear Deal 2022-July-04
Israel Hoping for Shift in U.S. Policy on Iran 2022-July-04
Iranian Officials Admit Damaging Effect of Israeli Security Operations 2022-June-30
Germany Seeking Israeli Weapons Systems 2022-June-30
Three Iranian Plots to Attack Israelis in Istanbul Foiled2022-June-27
Police by Day, Terrorists by Night: The PA Security Forces' Double Role2022-June-27
Biden's Agenda for Israel Visit Unchanged, Despite Change of Israeli Prime Minister2022-June-27
Iranian Cell Planning Attack on Israelis Nabbed in Turkey2022-June-23
Israeli Forces Act Against Latest Palestinian Terror Wave2022-June-23
Israel Remains Focused on Iran 2022-June-23
The Abraham Accords and the Changing Shape of the Middle East2022-June-23
Corruption in the Palestinian Authority2022-June-20
Iranian Cyber Attack Targets Israeli Officials, Former U.S. Ambassador2022-June-16
House Demolitions by Hamas in Gaza 2022-June-16
The UN vs. Israel, Yet Again2022-June-16
Podcast: How Sunni Arab States See Security Threats Today2022-June-16
Israel, Turkey Foil Iranian Plot Against Israeli Targets2022-June-13
Iranian Kidnapping of Israelis Thwarted in Turkey2022-June-13
Israel's E1 Building Plan: The Most Strategic, Consensual - and Frozen - Project2022-June-13
U.S. Proposes Five-Way Summit with Israel, PA, U.S., Egypt and Jordan2022-June-09

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