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Radical Islam

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How to Tackle the Biggest Obstacle to Finishing the War with the Islamic State 2018-February-20
UAE Leaders Tell Jewish Leaders of Concerns about Turkey, Iran Expansionism2018-February-19
American Jewish Leaders Find Budding Ally in United Arab Emirates2018-February-16
Ahmadi Muslims, a Persecuted Mideast Minority, Find Religious Freedom in Israel2018-February-16
A Holocaust Awareness Awakening in Saudi Arabia 2018-January-29
The Faded Palestinian Issue2018-January-12
How Israel Contributes to the Security of Every NATO Country2018-January-10
U.S. National Security Adviser: Qatar and Turkey Are New Sponsors of Radical Ideology2017-December-13
Number of Salafists in Germany Increasing2017-December-12
Pressure Iran on Regional Terror2017-November-29
Islamists Are a Minority in the Middle East2017-November-22
Israel Marks 40th Anniversary of Sadat's Visit to Jerusalem2017-November-20
Why a Marshall Plan for Gaza Is a Bad Idea 2017-November-17
Can Israel Maintain an Alliance with Moderate Sunni Arab States?2017-November-17
Israel, NATO States Share Urban Warfare Insights2017-November-17
Saudi Arabia's "Saturday Night Massacre" Might Play into U.S. Interests 2017-November-09
Netanyahu: Seeing the Balfour Declaration as a Crime Is the Root of the Israeli-Arab Conflict2017-November-08
U.S. Must Curtail Iran, Sanction Hizbullah2017-October-25
Europe Expects More Terror Attacks, Even as IS Falters 2017-October-11
ISIS Supporter Jailed for Planning to Bomb Train Line in Britain 2017-October-10
Netanyahu: We Will Never Uproot Jewish or Arab Communities2017-September-28
Israel Sees Benefits in an Independent Kurdistan2017-September-20
At Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Israeli Embassy Square in Buenos Aires: Terrorism Only Wins If We Do Not Fight It2017-September-13
The Undercurrents Fueling Terrorism2017-August-30
Can Israel Learn from the EU How to Fight Terror? 2017-August-25
Kissinger's Flawed Analysis of ISIS and Iran 2017-August-23
Hamas Is Restoring Its Alliance with Iran 2017-August-18
Engaging with Islamists: What Makes Us Think It Will Ever Work? 2017-August-18
Islamic State Came Close to Taking Down a Passenger Plane2017-August-11
Iran Exporting Radical Islam to Latin America 2017-August-07
After ISIS, Will We See the Emergence of an Iranian Radical Empire?2017-August-04
Palestinian Islamist Kills One, Wounds Five in Stabbing Attack in Hamburg, Germany2017-July-31
The Muslim Struggle for Sovereignty over the Temple Mount 2017-July-28
Israel: UNESCO Is a Full Partner in Palestinian Incitement2017-July-21
Expert: Understanding Islamic Culture Is Key to Preventing Further Violence at Temple Mount2017-July-19
Gaza's Inhabitants Share the Blame with Hamas 2017-July-07
Modi Is Coming to Jerusalem2017-July-03
Video: Lessons from Israel's Response to Terrorism2017-June-30
Assad Still Must Go 2017-June-23
Spain Arrests Radicalized Moroccan with Suicide Bomb Manual2017-June-22
Jerusalem Mayor: West Starting to Understand What Israel Has Faced with Radical Islam 2017-June-13
Why Middle East Peace Starts in Saudi Arabia2017-May-26
The U.S. Relies on Israel for Indispensable Intelligence 2017-May-19
A U.S. Agenda for the Middle East2017-May-17
U.S. National Security Adviser McMaster Outlines Objectives for Trump's Middle East Visit2017-May-15
Palestinians Need Real Support, Not Self-Serving BDS2017-May-09
The New "Softer" Hamas Position Is Nothing More than a Front for Plans of Domination2017-May-05
Is It Wise to Enlist Arab States to Help Break the Israeli-Palestinian Deadlock? 2017-May-04
Foreign Fighters Depart as ISIS Caliphate Crumbles2017-April-27
Thousands of Palestinians Rally in Ramallah for Islamic Caliphate2017-April-27

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