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Israeli Ambassador Addresses UN on International Holocaust Remembrance Day2014-January-28
Mandela Received Weapons Training from Mossad Agents in Ethiopia 2013-December-20
Outrage: U.S. Returning Artifacts Looted from Iraqi Jews to Iraq, Instead of Lawful Owners2013-August-30
The Future of European Jewry2013-August-09
Almost Half of Belgian, French, Hungarian Jews Mull Emigration 2013-June-26
Report: Anti-Semitism Worldwide Up by 30 Percent in 20122013-April-09
Israel Diaspora Affairs Ministry: Attacks Against Jews on the Rise 2013-January-28
Ha'aretz Resurrects the Theory of Khazar Roots of European Jewry2012-December-28
240 Ethiopian Immigrants Flown to Israel2012-October-30
Ignoring Ahmadinejad's Calls for Jewish Genocide Is a Grave Mistake2012-January-27
Arab Spring Sees Rise in Anti-Semitism 2012-January-24
Turkey's Erdogan: Mideast Troublemaker2011-September-23
Sharansky: Maybe This Is the Moment to Put Our Trust in Freedom2011-February-14
Sharansky: Protests Offer Chance to Build New Pact with Arab World 2011-February-11
Refuseniks' Rough Road to Israel2010-November-26
Jews Still Emerging from the Woodwork in Poland2010-August-27
Shimon Peres Versus the Brits 2010-August-06
Report: Iranian Missile, Ammo Convoy Headed to Syria via Iraq 2010-July-12
Netanyahu's Upcoming Visit to Washington: Getting Ready to Bury the Hatchet2010-June-25
Book Review - A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad by Robert S. Wistrich 2010-February-12
The Role of the Jews in Italian Society2010-January-22
Jews in the Psyche of America2009-December-04
There Is No Clash Between Universal and National Values 2009-November-11
A Blind Eye to Hamas Atrocities2009-November-06
Comparing Islamic Anti-Semitism to Nazi Germany at its Worst2009-November-06
Chinese Jewish Descendants Start a New Life in Israel2009-October-23
Ted Kennedy Became Part of Our Family2009-August-28
Olympic Gold Medalist Skips World Swimming Championships to Compete in Israel's Maccabiah Games2009-July-09
Livni to U.S.: Don't Participate in "Durban II"2009-February-17
Israel's Gaza Action Is a Just Defense Despite Death Toll 2009-January-23
Do Not Compare Israel's Security Fence to Nazi Ghettoes 2008-November-18
Australia Switches Position, Votes Against Israel at UN2008-November-10
"Directory of Jewish Residents in Germany 1933-1945" Given to Israel's Holocaust Center 2008-October-24
Ireland's Jews: Past, Present, Future 2008-August-01
Holocaust Remembrance Day's Torch-Lighters2008-May-01
Conference of Presidents to Focus on Iran During Visit to Georgia2008-February-13
Local Jews Feeling Vulnerable in Chavez's Venezuela2008-January-16
Israel Home of 41% of World Jewry2008-January-07
Deconstructing Apartheid Accusations Against Israel 2007-September-07
Restitution of Holocaust-Era Assets: Promises and Reality2007-August-17
Conference of Presidents Statement on the Winograd Commission Report2007-May-03
Mobilize Now, Save the World2007-February-13
An Act of Remembrance - and a Remembrance to Act 2007-February-01
Rev. Robert Drinan, Priest Who Served in Congress, Dies at 862007-January-29
What Jewish Organizations Must Do about Iran2007-January-29
Reaffirming U.S.-Israeli Ties2006-May-29
British Archives: Nazi SS Agents in Mandatory Palestine Worked Closely with Palestinian Arab Leaders2006-May-08
The Ghost of Purim Past2006-March-15
Religious Pride Is Fine, But Prejudice Is No Joke 2006-February-24
Obsessive Anti-Semitism2005-December-20

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