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Kerry Calls Netanyahu, Abbas to Discuss Diplomatic Process2013-February-04
One-Sided UN Report Ignores Essential Context2013-February-01
Israel Arrests Cell Plotting to Kidnap IDF Soldier2013-February-01
Jordan's King Abdullah Won This Round2013-February-01
Report: Israel Hits Weapons Convoy on Syria-Lebanon Border2013-January-31
Quiet Intifada: Abbas' Statehood Plan 2013-January-31
Israel's Strike on Syrian Target Sends a Warning2013-January-31
The Islamist Challenge from the Sahel Region and North Africa 2013-January-30
The Peace Process After the Israeli Election 2013-January-30
Palestinian Terror Cell Indicted for Failed Shooting Attack in West Bank2013-January-29
Israeli Troops Swap Guns for Computers as Cyber Attacks Rise2013-January-29
Don't Mince Words: Hizbullah Are Terrorists2013-January-29
Israel's Electoral Shift Unlikely to Affect Peace in Near Term 2013-January-28
No Israelis Killed by West Bank Terror in 2012, First Time since 19732013-January-25
Israel's Top Two Parties Are Close on Security Issues2013-January-25
Netanyahu's Back2013-January-25
Israel's UN Envoy: If Mali Is on France's Doorstep, Gaza Is in Our Living Room 2013-January-24
Peace Process? Check the Back Burner2013-January-24
Israel's Election Outcome2013-January-23
The Israeli Election: A Vote for Internal Change 2013-January-23
Peace Is Impossible without a Credible Palestinian Partner2013-January-22
Two Negev Bedouin Confess to Plotting Terror Attacks2013-January-21
Palestinians Riot near Rachel's Tomb2013-January-17
Israel Urges UN to Keep Syrian WMDs from Hizbullah2013-January-16
Netanyahu: Nobody Will Block E-1 Corridor between Jerusalem and Ma'ale Adumim 2013-January-14
EU Working on New Mideast Peace Plan2013-January-14
Striving for an Illusion-Free Middle East Peace2013-January-14
Palestinians and IDF Clash in West Bank 2013-January-11
Fatah Militants March in West Bank2013-January-11
What's Behind Abbas' New Tone 2013-January-11
IDF Nabs Two Palestinian Terror Cells Linked to West Bank Attacks 2013-January-10
Patience, Not Panic, on Israeli-Palestinian Peace2013-January-09
Report on Terror Attacks in West Bank, Jerusalem in December2013-January-08
Turkey Will Not Accept Iran Possessing Nuclear Weapons2013-January-04
Israel "Cracking Down" on West Bank Terror Suspects2013-January-03
The Palestinian Authority's Inconvenient Truths2013-January-03
Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza: Strategic Perspectives 2013-January-03
Overheated Rhetoric on Israeli Settlements 2013-January-02
Syria: Has the Assad Regime Reached the Terminal Phase? 2012-December-27
EU Court Throws Out NGO Funding Case Brought by Israel-Based Group2012-December-26
West Bank Terror Cell Sought to Kidnap Israelis 2012-December-26
Israel Rejects U.S. Gun Lobby Claims that Jewish State Proves U.S. Needs More Guns2012-December-25
Netanyahu Lauds Kerry Nomination for U.S. Secretary of State2012-December-24
Palestinians Aim to Isolate Israel2012-December-21
Poll: 76 Percent of Israelis Believe a Withdrawal to the 1967 Lines Will Not End the Conflict 2012-December-20
IDF, PA Collaboration in West Bank Faltering 2012-December-19
Palestinian Plane Terrorist Loses Bid for Release2012-December-19
Israel: Construction in Jerusalem Is Not Negotiable2012-December-19
Telling the Truth on Facebook2012-December-19
In Israel, a Privilege - But No Right - to Bear Arms2012-December-18

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