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The European War on Israel's Courts: The Role of Foreign-Funded NGOs in the Israeli Legal System 2014-March-07
U.S. Says It Worked with Israel to Track Seized Iranian Rockets2014-March-06
Netanyahu: Silicon Valley, Israel Pact to Unleash New Innovation2014-March-06
UN Report Inflates Numbers of Palestinians Living Under Israeli Control in West Bank2014-March-06
Obama Welcomes Netanyahu to the White House2014-March-04
Kerry to AIPAC: "We Reject Unwarranted Boycotts of Israel"2014-March-04
U.S. Provided Loan Guarantees to UAE Airline that Refuses to Fly Israelis2014-March-04
Amnesty International Has Produced Anti-Israel Propaganda2014-March-04
Israel Kills Palestinian Terrorist in West Bank 2014-February-28
In One West Bank Palestinian Village, Economics Trumps Conflict with Israel2014-February-28
Israel Confirms Airstrike on Hizbullah Missiles2014-February-26
Report: Israeli Strike on Hizbullah Missiles Killed Four 2014-February-26
Israeli President Honors German Chancellor, Lauds Her Stance Against Anti-Semitism2014-February-26
Clarifying the Security Arrangements Debate: Israeli Forces in the Jordan Valley 2014-February-26
15 Hamas Members Arrested for Firebomb Attacks on Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway 2014-February-25
The Impotence of Foreign Forces 2014-February-25
Israel Boycott? Exports to Europe Up 6 Percent in 20132014-February-24
Kerry: I Know Israel Won't Accept Turning West Bank into Gaza2014-February-21
The Israeli Strategy Against the Iranian Nuclear Project2014-February-21
LAPD Explores Israeli Security Solutions 2014-February-21
Security Arrangements: A 4-Level Game2014-February-21
Israel Waits for Egypt to Deal with Terrorists in Sinai2014-February-19
John Kerry's Peace Plan to Recognize Israel as "Jewish State"2014-February-14
The Cost of the "Peace Process"2014-February-14
Israel Won't Lift Gaza Blockade to Normalize Ties with Turkey2014-February-13
LAPD Top Brass in Israel to "Steal" Homeland Security Ideas2014-February-13
Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations and the American Set of Principles2014-February-11
The Israeli-Made Security System at Sochi2014-February-10
Poll: 70 Percent of Israeli Jews Don't Trust U.S. on Security 2014-February-07
Defending Kerry While Blaming Israel2014-February-07
Israel's Strategic Worth to the EU2014-February-06
At SodaStream, Palestinians Hope Their Bubble Won't Burst 2014-February-05
There Is No Way to Defend Israel without Israeli Troops along the Jordan River2014-February-05
Israel: Peace Deal Requires Recognition of Jewish State2014-February-04
Ya'alon: Let's Not Delude Ourselves Regarding Abbas' Intentions2014-February-03
Ya'alon: Premature to Consider U.S.-Crafted Security Arrangements 2014-January-31
Israel Mustn't Give Up the Jordan Valley 2014-January-31
Strategic Affairs Minister: Israel Must Have Defensible Borders in the Jordan Valley2014-January-30
Israeli General Responds to Critics of Israel's Human Rights Record 2014-January-30
Netanyahu: Israel Not Obligated by U.S. Peace Plan 2014-January-29
Israelis Rally Against U.S. Plan for Securing Jordan Valley2014-January-28
Escalation of West Bank Terrorism Linked to Palestinian Authority's Failing Governance2014-January-28
Jordan Valley Emerges as Core Issue in Mideast Peace Talks2014-January-27
Microsoft and Amazon May Open Cyber Centers in Israel2014-January-27
Americans Meet with Israeli Security Experts to Discuss Securing the Jordan Valley 2014-January-27
Israel Foils Al-Qaeda Plot to Blow Up U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv2014-January-23
Russian Police to Get Counter-Terrorism Training in Israel2014-January-23
The Threat of the "Salafi Crescent" 2014-January-23
Israel at UN Slams Continuing Palestinian Incitement 2014-January-22
Israeli Arabs and Palestinians Join Rebels in Syria Affiliated with Al-Qaeda2014-January-22

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