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Israel Only Free State in Middle East, Report Finds2017-February-03
Are Israeli Settlements Illegal? 2017-February-02
Appeasing Iran Will Only Give It More Room for Maneuver2017-January-27
Why the U.S. Should Support a Kurdish State2017-January-27
Video: Rethinking the Iran Agreement2017-January-26
World Ignores Plight of Palestinians in Syria 2017-January-25
Israel Opens NATO Office in Brussels2017-January-20
For Israel, Energy Boom Could Make Friends Out of Enemies2017-January-20
U.S. Forces Team with Turkey to Attack ISIS in Syria2017-January-18
Turkish, Israeli Top Soldiers Meet for First Time Since Rapprochement2017-January-18
Istanbul Nightclub Attacker Captured2017-January-17
U.S. Increases Support for Turkish Military Operations in Syria 2017-January-10
Istanbul Nightclub Attacker Identified as Islamic State Militant2017-January-09
In Turkey, U.S. Hand Is Seen in Nearly Every Crisis 2017-January-05
Syrian Cease-Fire Crumbles as Government Forces Advance 2017-January-04
Why Iran Wants Naval Bases in Syria and Yemen 2017-January-03
Gunman Kills 39 in Attack at Istanbul Nightclub 2017-January-02
Deaths in Syria Spur Unease in Turkey2016-December-27
Submarines in the Middle East 2016-December-23
Russia, Iran and Turkey Meet on Syria, Excluding U.S.2016-December-21
An Existential Battle for the Demographic Future of Syria2016-December-21
Turkish Police Officer Kills Russian Ambassador in Ankara 2016-December-20
U.S. Policy and the Fall of Aleppo 2016-December-20
Iran Is Changing Syria's Demographics 2016-December-19
Russia Detains Terrorists Preparing Moscow Attacks2016-December-16
The Battle for Aleppo, Syria's Stalingrad, Ends2016-December-16
Islamic State Manufactured Arms with Raw Materials from Turkey2016-December-15
The Syrian War Won't End in Aleppo2016-December-15
Turkish Court Dismisses Case over 2010 Israeli Flotilla Raid2016-December-12
Iranian-Made Drone Involved in Attack on Turkish Soldiers in Syria 2016-December-08
Four Palestinians Found Dead in Collapsed Gaza Tunnel2016-December-06
Egypt and Turkey Soften Positions on Syria, Benefiting Assad2016-December-05
Syrian Rebels in Secret Talks with Moscow to End Aleppo Fighting 2016-December-02
The Balfour Declaration Came as the Jewish Community in Palestine Faced Eradication2016-December-02
Erdogan Urges Muslims to "Embrace Palestinian Cause and Protect Jerusalem"2016-November-30
Many Countries Sent Firefighting Aircraft to Israel2016-November-28
Rivlin Thanks Erdogan for Turkish Help in Quenching Fires2016-November-28
Status of the Syrian Rebellion2016-November-25
Arson Suspected as Wildfires Rage across Israel2016-November-24
State Department Issues Travel Alert for Europe Ahead of Holiday Season 2016-November-22
Head of Islamic State "Middle East External Networks" Killed in Airstrike in Raqqa, Syria 2016-November-18
Turkey Rebuilds 9 Mosques in Gaza2016-November-17
Turkey Announces New Ambassador to Israel2016-November-16
Israel Nominates New Envoy to Turkey2016-November-16
Can Turkey and Israel Reconcile?2016-November-15
Everyone Loves Israel - Until They Don't2016-November-15
Turkey, Israel Hold First Meeting on Gas Pipeline 2016-November-15
Israeli Army Medics Named World's Best in Disaster Relief2016-November-14
Is the U.S. Repeating Old Mistakes in the Middle East?2016-November-11
Advice for the Next President: Reward Your Friends and Punish Your Enemies2016-November-08

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