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U.S. State Department

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Administration Asks Congress to Revise Anti-Hamas Bill2006-May-11
U.S. Says Hamas Itself to Blame for Palestinian Financial Crisis 2006-May-05
Funding Alternatives to Hamas2006-May-05
Pressed by U.S., European Banks Limit Iran Deals 2006-April-22
PA to "Guide the Resistance"2006-April-21
Qatar Pledges $50 Million to Palestinians2006-April-18
Tehran Hosts Conference in Support of Palestinians 2006-April-17
U.S. Pulling or Suspending $411M in Palestinian Projects2006-April-10
U.S. Envoy Says Hamas Still a Terrorist Organization2006-March-31
U.S. Bans Contacts with Hamas-Led Government2006-March-30
Israel Biggest Mideast Investor in U.S.2006-March-23
Lobbyists' Trial Could Embarrass Top U.S. Envoy2006-March-21
Pull the Plug on UNRWA2006-March-17
U.S.: Hamas Government Must Recognize Israel, Maintain Existing Agreements2006-March-15
U.S. Denies Coordination with Israel2006-March-14
State Department Concerned by Human Rights Situation in Iran, Syria2006-March-09
U.S. Urges UAE to End Boycott of Israel 2006-March-02
Israel: U.S. Money May Fund Terror 2006-February-27
Rice Talks Tough on Iran2006-February-17
Former Justice Department Official Backs Lobbyists in Leak Case2006-February-17
U.S. and Israel Deny Plans to Drive Hamas from Power2006-February-14
U.S. Says Russia Must Stand Firm on Hamas 2006-February-10
Hamas Invites Sanctions If It Clings to Terror2006-February-02
China and Russia Support Sending Iran Case to UN2006-January-31
U.S. Policy Seen as Big Loser in Palestinian Vote2006-January-30
Saudi Interest in America2006-January-17
Norway: U.S. Threats after Boycott Support2006-January-09
Who Are Those Guys? Understanding the Ties between Ansar al-Islam, the GSPC, the Sudanese Islamic Army, and al-Qaeda2006-January-09
Washington's Incoherent Attitude to Syria2005-December-30
U.S. to Punish Nine Companies Said to Help Iran on Arms 2005-December-28
Navy Diver's Killer Held in Beirut2005-December-22
An Iranian Lie2005-December-22
Germany Releases Hizballah Hijacker Sought By U.S.2005-December-21
Germany Releases Hizballah Hijacker Sought By U.S.2005-December-21
Zarqawi and Israel: Is There a New Jihadi Threat Destabilizing the Eastern Front? 2005-December-15
Ending Terrorism Against Israel 2005-December-13
Islamic Jihad Leader Lives to Fight Holy War 2005-December-06
U.S. Attorney General: The Threat is Real - and the Need for Americans to Stay Vigilant Remains Vital2005-December-02
# Paying for Terror. How Jihadist Groups Are Using Organized-Crime Tactics and Profits to Finance Attacks 2005-December-02
UN Halts Talks on Terrorism Treaty; U.S. Funding Cut Threatened2005-December-01
The Torture Rule Book 2005-November-18
Why Rice Pushed So Hard on Gaza Border Deal2005-November-16
Agreement on Movement and Access in Palestinian Territories and at Egypt-Gaza Border2005-November-16
Egypt Derails Middle East Initiative 2005-November-15
Syrian Chief Voices Defiance Against "Foreign Attack" 2005-November-11
Quartet to Syria: Shut Islamic Jihad Down2005-October-31
U.S. Official Says Israeli, PA Road Map Obligations Not Equal2005-October-24
State Dept. Gives Mixed Message to Israel After Terror Attack2005-October-19
Secretary Rice Reiterates American Warnings to Syria2005-October-17
The Chirac Doctrine 2005-October-14

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