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Video - Netanyahu: Hamas Is ISIS; Israel Is Fighting for Every Country that Stands Against Barbarism2023-October-10
Israeli Forces Thwart Palestinian Tractor Attack in Hebron2023-October-09
Israel Needs a New Strategy for Hamas2023-October-09
Hamas' Deadly Attack Has Changed Everything 2023-October-09
Hamas Launches Surprise Attack on Israel2023-October-08
Israeli Families and Survivors Describe the Horrors of Hamas' Invasion2023-October-08
Hamas Attack an Act of Medieval Barbarism2023-October-08
Israel Faces Its 9/112023-October-08
Video: Thousands of Christians Participate in Annual Jerusalem March2023-October-05
Video: 50,000 Jewish Worshippers Participate in Priestly Blessing at Western Wall in Jerusalem2023-October-05
Israelis Call to Protect Jewish Archaeological Sites in Judea and Samaria2023-October-05
My First Encounter with Jews Changed My Life2023-October-05
The Complicity of Lithuanians in the Holocaust2023-October-05
Anti-Israel UN Official to Be Feted by International Law Association 2023-October-02
Once Inconceivable, Official's Visit Highlights Warming Saudi-Israeli Ties 2023-September-28
Iran Poses an Existential Threat to the West2023-September-28
Israeli UN Ambassador Erdan: Iranians across the Globe Were Moved by My Protest 2023-September-28
Jews Are Not "Stealing" Judea 2023-September-28
Poll: Israelis Value Saudi Normalization, but Hesitant to Make Concessions2023-September-26
PA: Jews Are "Criminal Infidels" Who "Defile" Muslim Holy Sites2023-September-26
Supporting a Saudi-U.S. Defense Pact; Rejecting Nuclearization 2023-September-26
Netanyahu to UN: "We Are at the Cusp of a Dramatic Breakthrough with Saudi Arabia"2023-September-26
Prime Minister Netanyahu Meets with U.S. President Biden2023-September-21
Israeli Aid Team in Morocco Saves Lives 2023-September-21
UNESCO's Collusion with Palestinian Efforts to Erase Jericho's Jewish Heritage2023-September-21
UK Signs Deal with Israel to Collaborate on Science, Innovation and Technology2023-September-21
Why I Continue to Invest in Israel 2023-September-21
Ukraine's Jewish Community2023-September-21
UN Votes to List Ruins near Ancient Jericho as Palestinian World Heritage Site2023-September-18
Israel Criticizes UNESCO Decision2023-September-18
British Foreign Secretary Stresses: "Israel's Security Is Our Security" 2023-September-18
Jewish Coalition Sues California School Board over Anti-Israel Curriculum2023-September-18
Israel's UN Ambassador: "We Don't Have a Partner" for Peace2023-September-18
Don't Give More Money to the UN's Failed Palestinian Refugee Agency2023-September-18
Despite Its Failure, the Oslo Process Contributed to Israel's National Security2023-September-14
Missionaries in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem 2023-September-14
MSNBC Invents Facts to Bash Israel2023-September-14
Catholic Convents Sheltered 3,000 Roman Jews during WWII2023-September-14
Anti-Israel Incidents on U.S. Campuses almost Doubled in 20232023-September-14
Why Mahmoud Abbas Can't Make Peace with Israelis2023-September-14
Palestinian Activism Demands Checking Your Liberalism at the Door 2023-September-14
Survey: Nearly 1 in 3 Jewish College Students Has Witnessed or Experienced Antisemitism on Campus2023-September-11
Paris Revokes Mahmoud Abbas' Honorary Medal, Cites Holocaust Denial2023-September-11
The Evolution of Israeli Intelligence: 1973 to 2023 2023-September-11
The Lessons of Oslo Remain Unlearned 2023-September-11
Mahmoud Abbas Quotes Hitler2023-September-07
Abbas: Britain and America Are Our Enemy2023-September-07
Four 1,900-Year-Old Roman Swords Found in Judean Desert 2023-September-07
Israel Criticizes UNESCO Plan to Designate Ancient Jericho as Palestinian World Heritage Site2023-September-04
Ahead of High Holidays, Israel Warns Travelers of Kidnapping Threat2023-September-04

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