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A Chance to Clean Up the Palestinian Authority

(Financial Times-UK) Seth Jones - One of the most important challenges for the new head of the PA will be to curb widespread corruption and ineffectiveness plaguing the Palestinian security and justice systems. The task will be difficult but vital to the creation of a viable and democratic Palestinian entity. The first step after Sunday's election is to restructure the "Balkanized" security services, including decreasing the number of services, eliminating direct executive control over them, and separating law-enforcement functions from intelligence. The second needed step is to ensure that the PA has a viable, independent administration of justice. Structural reform and financial assistance will be required to develop two major elements of democratic policing - responsiveness and accountability - now missing from Palestinian policing. The writer is an associate political scientist at the Rand Corporation and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University.
2005-01-07 00:00:00
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