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Radical Islam

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In the Middle East, a Pro-American Turn 2012-September-28
Netanyahu on Iran: "Imagine a Nuclear-Armed Al-Qaeda" 2012-September-28
Can "Innocence of Muslims" Trailer Really Be that Potent? 2012-September-19
Manipulated Outrage and Misplaced Fury2012-September-14
U.S. Consulate Attack in Libya Underlines Threat of Salafi Fundamentalists 2012-September-13
How the United States Benefits from Its Alliance with Israel2012-September-12
Worries Intensify over Syrian Chemical Weapons 2012-September-07
Egypt Leader Said to Reach Out to Sinai Radicals2012-August-29
Ya'alon: Iran Must Decide - Nuclear Bomb or Survival2012-August-29
Hamas Helps Egypt Hunt for Sinai Terrorists2012-August-17
Will the West Bank Become the Next Islamic Emirate?2012-August-17
Mubarak's Fall Means Improved Israel-Africa Ties2012-August-08
In Egypt's Sinai, Militants Pose a New Threat2012-August-08
Israel Strikes Gaza Terrorists Behind Deadly June Border Attack 2012-August-07
Aurora Is Not Fort Hood2012-July-27
Who Will Save the Christians in Gaza?2012-July-20
Jihad in Syria: The Penetration of Radical Islam in the Syrian Conflict2012-July-18
Israel Shocked by UNESCO Chair at Gaza Islamic University2012-July-13
The Quds Force: Iranian Masters of Mayhem2012-July-13
Syria's Threatened Christians 2012-July-06
Radical Islam Spreading in Spain2012-July-04
Will Egypt's Morsi Change?2012-July-04
No More Illusions about Egypt after Mubarak 2012-June-28
FBI Tracking 100 Suspected Extremists in U.S. Military2012-June-27
Who Lost Egypt?2012-June-26
Muslim Terrorists from Arab Countries Operating Inside Gaza2012-June-25
Israel's Strategic Reality2012-June-12
Europe Begins in Israel - Interview with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu2012-June-07
The Real Reason to Intervene in Syria 2012-June-05
First Round of Egypt's Presidential Election a Defeat for the Islamists 2012-May-31
Al-Qaeda and the Jihadists Join the Battle Against the Syrian Regime2012-May-29
Top Saudi Cleric: Ban Christian Churches in Arabia, Let Girls Marry at 10 2012-May-28
Turkey Issues Arrest Warrants for Four IDF Officers2012-May-24
Pro-Palestine Groups Reject a Two-State Solution2012-May-17
Egyptian Islamist Vows Global Caliphate in Jerusalem 2012-May-08
Israeli Defense Minister Keeps All Options Open on Iran2012-May-01
Syria Attacks Seen as Sign of Extremists' Rise2012-May-01
Egyptian Actor Insulted Islam, Court Finds 2012-April-27
Lebanon's Most Wanted Islamist Terrorist "Killed Planting Bombs for Syrian Rebels"2012-April-25
Fears of Extremism Taking Hold in Syria2012-April-23
Netanyahu - "Iran Is Committed to Israel's Destruction"2012-April-23
In Egypt: A Crisis of Confidence 2012-April-19
Egypt: Conflict between Brotherhood, Military Turns into Open Warfare2012-April-16
France Deports Islamist Militants, Imams amid Crackdown2012-April-03
France's Jihadist Shooter Was No Lone Wolf 2012-March-26
French Dis-connection2012-March-22
The Bomb and the Bomber2012-March-22
The Islamic World's Quiet Revolution 2012-March-14
Islamism and the Syrian Uprising2012-March-09
Setting Standards: How the West Should Respond to Political Islam 2012-February-17

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