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Radical Islam

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ISIS Just Stole $425 Million 2014-June-13
Sunni Militants Heading toward Baghdad 2014-June-12
"Cold-blooded Murder" or a War on Terror"2014-June-09
Taking Iran's Anti-Semitism Seriously2014-June-05
Radical Islamists Destroy Syrian Artifacts 2014-May-22
Boko Haram and the Future of Nigeria 2014-May-16
Palestinian Reconciliation and the Rising Power of Hamas and Islamic Jihad: An Iranian Windfall2014-May-14
In Iraq and Syria, a Resurgence of Foreign Suicide Bombers 2014-May-05
PM Adviser's Book on Jerusalem Unity Published in China2014-May-05
Ending Illusion of Peace-Seeking Abbas2014-April-25
Why the Middle East Matters2014-April-24
The Crisis in the Peace Talks Was Pre-Planned by the Palestinians2014-April-10
Hamas and BDS 2014-March-05
Back into an Embrace with the Russian Bear2014-February-24
Security Arrangements: A 4-Level Game2014-February-21
Suicide Bombers Target Iranian Center in Beirut, Kill Four2014-February-19
Escaped Inmates from Iraq Fuel Syrian Insurgency 2014-February-14
Dozens of Palestinians Held in PA Jails for Joining Syrian Rebels2014-February-13
PA Forces Arrest Scores of Radical Islamists in West Bank Dragnet2014-February-10
What Would an El-Sisi Presidency in Egypt Mean for Israel? 2014-February-07
Saudi Arabia Cracks Down on Youths Joining Syria Jihadis2014-February-05
Israel Warns of Growing Jihadi Threat from Syria2014-January-27
Syrian Extremists Try to Recruit U.S. Visitors for Attacks2014-January-10
Parts of Two Key Iraqi Cities Fall to Qaeda Group Active in Syria 2014-January-03
Palestinians in Syria Caught between Regime and Rebels 2014-January-02
Radical Islam Behind Bombings in Volgograd 2013-December-31
Israel Is Caught in a Tragic Situation2013-December-20
A Stronger Iran, a Weaker America2013-December-12
Netanyahu: International Community Must Demand a Change in Iran's Policy toward Israel2013-December-09
The U.S. Plan for Israel's Safety2013-December-06
Al-Qaeda-Linked Group Claims to Be Operating in West Bank2013-December-03
Salafi Power Growing in West Bank 2013-November-27
Egypt as Hostile as Ever toward U.S.2013-November-07
Report: Spike in Jihadists Entering Syria2013-October-22
Egypt's New Pharaoh: Gen. Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi2013-October-17
Can Anyone Stop the Radicalization of Syrian Rebels? 2013-October-11
Syria: The Next Breeding Ground for Global Jihad 2013-October-09
Private Donations Give Edge to Islamists in Syria 2013-September-24
Dining with Al-Qaeda 2013-September-20
Seized Weapons Caches Boost Syrian Rebels' Hopes 2013-August-22
Gaza Turning into Regional Terror-Training Center2013-August-21
The Islamic Insurgency that Could Soon Hit Egypt2013-August-20
17 Yemeni Jews Brought to Israel2013-August-15
The Egyptian Army Has More Support than the Brotherhood2013-August-15
10,000 Islamist Radicals in Golan Opposite Israel-Syria Border2013-August-02
Lessons Learned from Iran 2013-July-31
IDF: Syria Becoming a Center of Global Jihad 2013-July-24
Ya'alon: Egypt Poised for Sinai Counter-Terrorism Operation2013-July-24
Jihadists in Italy2013-July-12
IDF and Egyptian Army Cooperate on Fighting Jihad Elements2013-July-08

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