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Israel Security Agency Has Thwarted 2,000 Attacks with Cybertech2017-June-27
The Fallacy of Israeli Intransigence2017-June-27
Video: Israel Had No International Border before the 1967 War. New Defensible Lines Needed to Be Negotiated-2017-June-27
The Harm in Trying: The Downside of the Middle East "Peace Process"2017-June-27
Israel Strikes Syrian Targets in Response to Cross-Border Fire2017-June-26
Two U.S. Cases Provide Window into Iran's Global Terror Network 2017-June-26
U.S. Should Push PA to Stop Payments to Terrorists2017-June-23
U.S. General John Allen's Plan for Israel Is Dangerous 2017-June-22
Haley Calls for UN to Designate Hamas as Terrorist Organization2017-June-21
Israel: Most Iranian Missiles Missed Targets in Syria2017-June-20
Israel Speeds Up Security Camera Placements in West Bank2017-June-19
Leaks Against Trump Are Hurting Israel2017-June-19
Conference of Presidents Urges UNESCO to Reject Palestinian Moves on Hebron2017-June-16
Israeli "Eye in the Sky" Drone Can Watch 80 Sq. Km. in Real Time 2017-June-16
Israel Restores Diplomatic Ties with New Zealand2017-June-14
Israel to Reduce Gaza Electricity Supply at Palestinian President's Request2017-June-12
Israeli Arabs Charged in Hamas Plot to Kill IDF Soldier 2017-June-12
How Israel Spots Lone-Wolf Attackers2017-June-09
Israel Capitalizes on Expertise in Counter-Terrorism 2017-June-07
How Israeli Intelligence Failures Led to a "Devil's Advocate" Role 2017-June-07
Five Myths about 1967 that Just Won't Die2017-June-06
Top Palestinian Official: Western Wall Should Stay under Jewish Sovereignty2017-June-05
There's Still Time to Avert War in Lebanon2017-June-02
As Long as the Arab World Views Israel as a Temporary Aberration to Be Conquered, Israel Will Stand Fast2017-June-01
Palestinian Security Personnel Involved in Attack on Israeli Soldiers2017-May-29
No Honor among Palestinian Prisoners2017-May-29
U.S. Ratcheting Up Activity in Eastern Syria2017-May-26
Trump Underscores U.S. Commitment to Maintaining Israel's Qualitative Military Edge2017-May-24
Leakers Who Revealed Israel as Intelligence Source Did Far More Damage than Trump2017-May-24
How to Defeat Suicide Bombers2017-May-24
Finding a "Zone of Possible Agreement" for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations2017-May-23
A Trump Doctrine for the Middle East? 2017-May-19
President Trump's Helicopter Ride to Jerusalem2017-May-19
Celebrating the Murder of Innocents2017-May-19
No Breakthrough for Peace with Abbas 2017-May-19
Israeli Company that Provided Armor to U.S. Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan Reinvents Itself2017-May-19
Israel Foils Terror Attack Linked to Outlawed Northern Branch of Islamic Movement2017-May-17
Israel Steps Up Intelligence Sharing with Gulf Countries 2017-May-16
Israelis and Palestinians Can't Have Peace When Terror Is Profitable2017-May-16
A Proposal for a Trump Initiative for the Economic Development of the West Bank and Gaza2017-May-16
Russia Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's Capital. Why Can't the U.S.?2017-May-15
Israeli Priorities Ahead of Trump's Visit 2017-May-15
Israel Calls on UN Security Council to End PA Payments to Terrorists 2017-May-12
U.S. Should Help Egypt in Its War on Terror 2017-May-12
Netanyahu to Putin: Syrian "Safe Zones" Must Not Serve as Bases for Iran, Hizbullah2017-May-11
We Saved Hamas Leader's Life, Says Israel Ex-Prison Chief, Dismissing Strike Complaints2017-May-11
Top U.S. General: Iran's Potential Role along Israeli Border Raises Concerns2017-May-10
Qatar Needs to Stop Funding Islamists2017-May-10
Irish Army Buys Israeli Drones2017-May-05
The Truth about the Conditions of Palestinian Security Prisoners in Israel2017-May-05

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