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Palestinian Gunmen Fire at Israeli Community in West Bank, Hitting Two Homes2022-October-18
Two Bedouin Israelis Arrested for Helping Hamas2022-October-18
The Israel-Lebanon Gas Deal and U.S. Guarantees 2022-October-18
Former U.S. Ambassador David Friedman: U.S. Security Guarantees in Gas Deal Could Create "Friction"2022-October-18
Hizbullah Terror Chief Welcomes Maritime Border Deal, Claims "Resistance" Prodded Israel2022-October-13
Palestinians Riot in Eastern Jerusalem as IDF Searches for Shooter2022-October-13
Lebanon, Israel Satisfied with Final Draft of Maritime Border Deal2022-October-11
Report: Egypt, Israel Agree to Extract Natural Gas off Gaza Coast2022-October-11
Palestinian Gunmen Attack IDF Forces Arresting Islamic Jihad Terrorist in Jenin2022-October-11
Palestinian Arrested for Shooting Attack, Placing Bomb at Gas Station2022-October-11
The Current Palestinian Terror Wave 2022-October-11
Why a Two-State Solution Won't Work2022-October-11
The Problem with Lapid's Weak Conditions for Establishing a Palestinian State2022-October-11
Lebanese Raise Objections to Maritime Border Agreement with Israel 2022-October-06
PA Seeks to Neutralize New "Lion's Den" Militia in West Bank 2022-October-06
ISIS Sympathizers Planned to Bomb Muslim High School in Nazareth 2022-October-03 Won't Single Out Jewish Businesses in West Bank for Security Warning 2022-October-03
Pending Israel-Lebanon Maritime Border Deal Is a Win-Win 2022-October-03
Palestinian Gunmen "Planning Significant Attacks" Killed in West Bank City of Jenin2022-September-29
How to Understand the Iranian Threat2022-September-29
How Iran Took Over Syria's Secret Missile Production2022-September-29
Israel Nabs West Bank Hamas Terror Cell Planning Bomb Attacks 2022-September-22
Clashes between PA Security Forces and Palestinians in Nablus Leave 1 Dead, 17 Wounded 2022-September-22
Christian Zionists Dispute Jordanian King Abdullah's Claim that Christianity in Jerusalem Is "Under Fire"2022-September-22
The Race between Palestinian Rocket Capabilities and Israel's Defensive Capabilities 2022-September-22
The Arab World Is in a Different Place on Peace with Israel 2022-September-19
Hamas and Islamic Jihad Offer Cash for Shooting Attacks on Israelis2022-September-15
Hamas Releases Video of Its Fighters Training in West Bank2022-September-15
Israel Passes New Information to CIA about Blacklisted Palestinian NGOs2022-September-15
PA Security Forces Participating in Terror Attacks 2022-September-15
The Palestinians and the World Do Not Need Another Corrupt, Failed Terrorist Arab State 2022-September-15
Mossad Head: Israel Has Thwarted Dozens of Terror Attacks Against Israelis Worldwide 2022-September-12
Palestinian Anger at Mahmoud Abbas Hits Israel's Security 2022-September-12
Mossad Chief Barnea Heads to Washington to Try and Halt the Iran Nuclear Deal2022-September-05
Israel and Germany Hold First Strategic Dialogue2022-September-05
Israel and Saudi Arabia: No Longer Enemies But Not Quite Friends2022-September-05
5,000 Former Israeli Security Officers Sign Letter to Biden Against Iran Nuclear Deal2022-September-01
A New Strategy to Counter Iran Is Required2022-September-01
Mahmoud Abbas' "50 Holocausts" Remarks Are Part of the Palestinian Narrative2022-September-01
Israeli Community Security Vehicle Comes under Fire in West Bank2022-August-29
Increase in Attempted Weapons and Drug Smuggling on Egyptian, Jordanian Borders2022-August-29
Israel's Move Against Terror NGOs2022-August-29
Israel to Begin Production at Karish Gas Field Next Month 2022-August-25
Progress on the Nuclear Deal: How Should Israel Act?2022-August-25
Israel Eyes Nearing Iran Deal 2022-August-25
When Rockets Hit Israel from Gaza, Egypt Is Partly to Blame2022-August-25
Realigning European Policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict2022-August-25
Preparedness for Land Warfare Remains Crucial, Jerusalem Think Tank Tells Israeli President2022-August-22
Contending with Iranian Plots Against the West2022-August-18
Key Factors that Led to the Abraham Accords2022-August-18

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