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Axelrod: Jerusalem Housing Approval an "Affront," "Insult"2010-March-15
Text of State Department Statement2010-March-15
Clinton Rebukes Israel over East Jerusalem Plans2010-March-15
Spy: Arafat Plotted the Second Intifada 2010-March-12
Dr. Mitchell's Mideast Talking Cure 2010-March-11
Turkey Should Pause Before a Mirror2010-March-09
Hoping Sanctions Work But Readying Gas Masks2010-March-08
Israel Tells Palestinians to Fight Violence2010-March-08
Abbas Warns of Religious War After Temple Mount Riots 2010-March-08
U.S. Repudiates UN Council Remarks on Mideast Clash 2010-March-08
Biden to Israel: We Will Confront Iran as Allies 2010-March-08
How to Handle Hamas2010-March-05
Challenges of Middle East Peace2010-March-05
Jordan Jails Six for Plotting to Fight Israel During Gaza War2010-March-03
Tensions Rise between the PA and Tunisia 2010-March-03
Iran, Syria and Hizbullah Fear Security Penetration2010-March-03
Fayyad Is Inciting Anti-Israel Violence in West Bank2010-March-02
Jerusalem Security Guard Hurt by Gunfire2010-March-01
Clinton: Goldstone Problematic for Other Countries 2010-February-26
Adventures of the Green Prince2010-February-26
U.S., Israeli Defense Chiefs Discuss Iran Sanctions2010-February-26
Video Killer Thriller in Dubai2010-February-25
Western Allies Still Cooperating with Israel's Mossad 2010-February-25
Hamas Founder's Son Worked for Israel Security Agency2010-February-24
Iranian Website: Iranian Nuclear Bomb Spells Death to Israel2010-February-24
Did Britain Know in Advance about Dubai Hit? 2010-February-19
No Tears for Hamas Terrorist Leader2010-February-19
Netanyahu: What If Our Peace Interlocutors Are Ousted the Way They Were Ousted from Gaza?2010-February-18
"PA Using Our Money to Smear Us" 2010-February-16
Muslim Firebrands Challenge Hamas Rule in Gaza2010-February-16
Clinton Calls for Renewed Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations2010-February-15
Can Gaza Become a Somalia or Yemen? 2010-February-12
Israel Targets Terror Squad in Northern Gaza2010-February-12
Hamas Attempt to Abduct and Kill Israeli Soldier Foiled2010-February-12
Soldier's Murder Was Latest Terror Attack by PA Security Forces2010-February-11
Israeli, Saudi Handshake at Munich Security Conference2010-February-08
The Gaza War and International Law2010-February-05
PA Backing a Violent "Popular Struggle"2010-February-05
Clinton Outlines U.S. Stance on Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations2010-February-05
The Good Old Days Before Peace2010-February-04
On Israel-Palestine, No More of the Same2010-February-03
Two Hamas Militants Arrested for Plotting Terror Attacks in Israel2010-February-01
PA Funds, Endorses Security Fence Protests2010-February-01
Slain Hamas Leader Was Key Arms Smuggler2010-February-01
Jordan Arrests Dozens Linked to Attack on Israeli Diplomats2010-February-01
Egypt Arrests "Jihadist" Cell Plotting Attacks on Israeli Tourists2010-February-01
Israel Acting Responsibly on Iran, Obama Adviser Says2010-February-01
Obama: Both Palestinians and Israelis Have Legitimate Aspirations2010-January-29
Too Much Middle East Peace Processing 2010-January-28

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