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Preventive Measures2006-February-17
How the Mossad Foiled a Missile Attack on an El Al Plane in Rome2006-February-17
The Hypocrisy of Britain and France 2006-February-16
U.S. Jewish Leader Accuses West of Not Supporting Iranian Reformers2006-February-15
U.S. and Israel Deny Plans to Drive Hamas from Power2006-February-14
The EU Must Not Fund Terrorism2006-February-13
Rice: Putin Will Insist Hamas Recognize Israel2006-February-13
U.S.: Hamas Must Accept Israel's Existence2006-February-10
Hamas Moves into Power2006-February-10
A Manifesto for Murder2006-February-09
Inside the Hamas Strategy 2006-February-07
Rice to Hamas: "In Order to Receive International Assistance You Have to Be Committed to Nonviolence" 2006-February-06
Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al at Damascus Mosque: The Nation of Islam Will Sit at the Throne of the World and the West Will Be Full of Remorse2006-February-05
An Intolerable Threat: What a World with an Iranian Nuclear Weapon Would Look Like2006-February-03
On Hamas's Terms Now2006-January-30
The World Is Watching2006-January-30
The EU Funded Arafat's Corruption. It Must Not Finance Hamas Terrorism2006-January-27
Hamas's Choice 2006-January-27
Hamas Without Veils: No More Hiding Behind the PA 2006-January-27
Is Democracy the Answer to Islamist Terrorism?2006-January-27
Sanction Iran Now 2006-January-27
Hamas to Keep Weapons, Won't Change Charter2006-January-26
Iran's Threat, Bush's Dilemma2006-January-26
From Iran, a Nuclearized Mideast?2006-January-20
Why Won't Sunni Arab States Fear an Extremist Nuclear Shi'ite Iran?2006-January-19
What Iran Thinks of European Diplomacy2006-January-09
Confront Iran's Nuclear Challenge with a Coalition of the Willing2006-January-09
Is the Road Map's Moment Gone?2006-January-09
Israel Wants West to Deal More Urgently With Iran2006-January-09
"Twin Brothers": European Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism2006-January-09
Iran and the Bomb 2006-January-05
EU Border Monitors Flee as PA Police Storm Rafah Crossing 2005-December-30
An Iraqi Politician Who Takes Risks 2005-December-29
Winning the Propaganda War 2005-December-28
Poll: 65% of Palestinians Support Al-Qaeda Attacks in U.S. and Europe2005-December-26
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Leader Calls Holocaust a Myth2005-December-23
A Fire Alarm in Iran 2005-December-23
Israel's Reborn Tech Boom 2005-December-23
Obsessive Anti-Semitism2005-December-20
An Open Letter to EU Representative Javier Solana2005-December-19
Hamas Chief Lauds Iranian President's Remarks Denying Holocaust 2005-December-16
Iranian President Calls Holocaust a Myth2005-December-14
Why is Little Israel Being Left to Fight the World's War? 2005-December-13
Mein Kampf, Iranian Edition 2005-December-12
The Key is in the Hands of the West 2005-December-09
Getting Ready for a Nuclear Iran 2005-December-09
Move Israel to Europe, Iran Leader Suggests2005-December-09
U.S. Gathers Allies for Iran Sanctions2005-December-05
Arming Marines With Know-How for Staying Alive 2005-December-02
Egyptian Border Opens for Gazans2005-November-28

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