(Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security) Prof. Hillel Frisch - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is all consumed by the worry of Jewish survival. The key singular feature of the Netanyahu Doctrine is avoidance of war at all costs, save for the direct and all-out confrontation with Iran and its proxies should Iran achieve a nuclear breakout. Iran's possession of nuclear weapons and the ballistic means to launch them serve to achieve Israel's destruction, and the rhetoric of its leaders is absolute proof of Iran's intentions. Netanyahu tries at all costs to avoid being waylaid by the lesser threats facing Israel to maintain the singular focus on Iran. Oddly, Iran is in complete agreement with Netanyahu's doctrine. It also wants to avoid confrontation except when it achieves nuclear strike capability and is ready to strike or retaliate against an Israeli preemptive strike. For the very reason of avoiding a total war, Iran is increasing its coordination with Hamas and Islamic Jihad and enhancing their capabilities. The long-term danger is that the doctrine enables the military buildup of Iran and its proxies in creating a missile siege around Israel. At some point, the danger of such a siege may become more significant than the threat of a nuclear Iran. The writer is professor emeritus at Bar-Ilan University and former senior researcher at its Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies.
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